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12 chakra system in your ascension process to the real world

Updated: Jan 2

This information helped me in my ascension. When you ascend to the father, all 12 chakras are dropped and in their position is an inner infinite Pillar of light that unites the 2 worlds. The illusion "here" and the true world behind the veil which is a reflection of Heaven.

When this has been accomplished your body becomes a portal that unites the 2 worlds and you only give since you have infinite love peace joy <3. Follow your inner guidance and see if any of the information feels good for you to try.

These are right -thinking bridges that are gonna help you ascend and of course not the truth.


As a physical being on Earth, you have a unique connection with the Ascending Earth, and to All That Is.

Your Earth Star Chakra is your personal link to the Earth’s life force, to the crystalline grid, and to the Divine light contained within the Earth.

The development of this chakra is carefully monitored by Archangel Sandalphon. As your soul progresses through the primary ascension stage, your Earth Star chakra expands in size and power.

Its role is to guide you to the location allocated for your mission.

When you are born, your 5th dimensional chakra blueprint is programmed with the content of the life mission for your master self. Your Earth Star chakra knows exactly where you are supposed to be on the planet.

1.The Expanded Earth Star Chakra


At the base of our chakra system lies the Earth Star Chakra, the center that connects us to the Earth and helps us to ground ourselves. This chakra is located below the feet and is often overlooked, but unlocking its power can have profound effects on our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

In this article, we will explore the Earth Star Chakra, its properties, and how to unlock its potential to deepen our connection with the Earth.


The Earth Star Chakra is the first chakra in the Earth’s chakra system, which is said to be a network of energy centers that connect the planet to the universe. The Earth Star Chakra is located about a foot below the feet and is responsible for connecting us to the Earth’s energy field. It is associated with the color brown, which represents the Earth element, and the Earth’s energy and stability.

The Earth Star Chakra is the grounding point of the whole 12 chakra system. This chakra is the keeper of karmic cycles and past lives.

The Earth Star Chakra is said to be the foundation of our entire chakra system, providing a grounding and stabilizing force that allows us to connect with the Earth and remain centered and balanced. When this chakra is blocked or unbalanced, we may experience feelings of disconnection, anxiety, and restlessness.

The Earth Star chakra is one of oneness which is connected to the Earth, the collective consciousness of humanity, and is connected to the vast field of All That Is. It is connected to the living multidimensional spirit of Mother Earth and to the earth’s crystalline grid.

With our lives revolving around computers and gadgets, rushing from one place to another, it causes us to become ungrounded. When your Earth Star chakra is active, it helps you stay grounded even with the hectic and busy life you lead.

The active Earth Star chakra is a real blessing for all energy workers, as it releases the negative energies that you may pick up from others. The Earth Star Chakra secures your soul by connecting your etheric body to the physical world. It connects you with the Divine Mother Earth (Gaia) and aligns you with the magnetic core of the earth.

The active Earth Star Chakra also helps discharge negative and impure energy to earth as well as draw divine and pure energy from the earth, that makes us grounded all the time.

As you work to balance, heal, and activate your Earth Star chakra, you are completing powerful clearing and healing work for humanity, and for the Earth, as well as for your own life.


  • Blood circulation problems

  • Instability in life

  • Lack of balance in various aspects of life

  • Eating disorder

  • Problems relating to the legs, knees, hips, and ankles

  • Hallucination

  • Ungrounded

  • Constant unknown fear or phobia

  • Lack of spirituality

  • Tendency to lose balance

  • Vertigo problems


  • Connected to inner peace

  • Seeing the wider perspective of all situations

  • Feel secured

  • Feel grounded and protected

  • Peace of mind

  • Healthy physical health as well as etheric health

  • Divine connection with Mother Gaia

  • Work for the greater cause

  • Brings you closer to the sacred energy of Mother Earth


Unlocking the Earth Star Chakra requires a conscious effort to ground oneself in the present moment and connect with the Earth’s energy. Here are some practices that can help you unlock the Earth Star Chakra and deepen your connection with the Earth:

  1. Grounding Exercises: Grounding exercises involve connecting with the Earth’s energy and aligning oneself with its frequencies. This can be done by standing barefoot on the Earth, walking in nature, or sitting with your back against a tree.

  2. Physical Exercise: Physical exercise is a great way to ground oneself and release pent-up energy. Activities like yoga, running, or hiking can be particularly effective in connecting with the Earth’s energy and unlocking the Earth Star Chakra.

  3. Meditation: Meditation is a powerful tool for unlocking the Earth Star Chakra. By focusing on the present moment and connecting with the Earth’s energy, we can release blockages and cultivate a deeper connection with the Earth.

  4. Crystal Healing: Crystals like black tourmaline, hematite, and obsidian are powerful tools for grounding oneself and unlocking the Earth Star Chakra. These crystals can be placed on or around the Earth Star Chakra to help release blockages and promote a deeper connection with the Earth.


Connecting with the Earth is an essential aspect of our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. By unlocking the Earth Star Chakra, we can deepen our connection with the Earth and experience a greater sense of balance and stability in our lives.

To connect with the Earth, it is essential to take time to appreciate and connect with the natural world around us. Spend time in nature, go for walks, and make a conscious effort to ground yourself in the present moment. By doing so, you can unlock the power of the Earth Star Chakra and connect with the Earth in a profound and meaningful way.


The Earth Star Chakra is a powerful center that connects us to the Earth and helps us to ground ourselves in the present moment. By unlocking this chakra, we can deepen our connection with the Earth and experience a greater sense of balance and stability in our lives.

Through grounding exercises, physical exercise, meditation, and crystal healing, we can unlock the power of the Earth Star Chakra and connect with the Earth in a profound way. So take some time to connect with the Earth and unlock the power of the Earth Star Chakra today.

During the third-dimensional phase of evolution on Earth, the seven-chakra column played its role of limited connection perfectly. Humans wandered the planet gazing at the stars and pondering their existence. Their connection to their Source energy had to be discovered along the way. Many lost their connection. However, this is changing. Once a person’s Earth Star is activated, everything changes.

Depending on your perspective, the Earth Star is either the first or the last chakra in the 12-chakra column. The development of this chakra is carefully monitored by Archangel Sandalphon. Because of the vital role that it is playing in the progress of the planet, he will offer continual support throughout your soul’s incarnation on Earth. The archangels of the other chakras do not do this.

At the very beginning of the ascension process the Earth Star can be seen as an inert ball of black and white energy. As it wakes up, it takes on a deep grey colour, reflecting the magnetic substances of the planet’s crust. This enables it to start its grounding connection to the mother essence of Gaia, the spirit of Earth. When this energy circuit starts to flow, the soul on the ascension pathway never needs to ground their energy again.

In the third dimension, grounding was an everyday part of spiritual life. The aspirant would always remember to ground their energy in the morning, just as they would clean their teeth regularly. Lightworkers who were very sensitive had to work hard to keep their four-body system in one place.

Grounding also unifies the body into a single column of resonant light. The Earth Star’s connection to the planetary magnetics and energy field does this jobautomatically.

As your soul progresses through the primary ascension stage, your Earth Star expands in size and power. Its role is to guide you to the location allocated for your mission. When you are born, your fifth-dimensional chakra blueprint is programmed with the content of the life mission for your master self. So your Earth Star knows exactly where you are supposed to be on the planet.

Now that the initial process of cleansing has been completed, many souls are feeling the freedom within their hearts to follow their chosen path. When they are unified with their chosen spot, their personal energy will rise dramatically. Souls who have not yet fully settled will feel restless until they do so.

This is a very powerful process and very often your soul is not aware of it until you have reached your destination. Then your Earth Star turns to liquid silver and reflects the ninth-dimensional light of Archangel Sandalphon himself.

Some lightworkers talk of amazing journeys of the heart that they have taken without any thought or logic. They step onto a boat or plane to visit a faraway land or sacred site that is calling to them. Or they feel a great desire to live in a certain country and they find themselves there.

When this happens to you, your Earth Star is working at its most powerful level. When you reach the chosen site, this chakra will download specific light codes into the planet to activate it at a higher frequency. These journeys will continue to be a vital part of the establishment of the Golden Age here on Earth. Many masters who are pulled to a certain place have already spent powerful lifetimes there. They are returning to finish work that was planned many lifetimes ago.

The ascended master Thoth used his Earth Star to its maximum capacity during the Golden Era of Atlantis. Following the fall, he channelled vast pools of light from the higher realms into the planetary ley system to maintain the integrity of the Christ consciousness. This was achieved by drawing in light from the galactic Suns via his Stellar Gateway and passing it down through his feet in concentrated streams. This energy was focused and amplified by the gridding of specific crystals and crystal skulls. Many lightworkers have now remembered how to achieve this and are performing similar tasks in locations all over planet Earth.

The Earth Star is also assisting the awakened souls to keep pace with the rising frequency on Earth. As the vibration of Lady Gaia rises, the frequency of the people on Earth automatically rises with it. So we are forced to progress too, and unconsciously have to work hard to align with the new frequency. This is one of the ways in which the ascension of the planet is being accelerated.

The Earth Star is also deeply connected to the seventh-dimensional kingdom of Hollow Earth. Here Serapis Bey works in his Great Golden Crystal Pyramid. Within it he holds the connection for every single Earth Star chakra on the planet. He grounds the energy of all these chakras into this vast source of light.

As the Golden Crystal Pyramid becomes more accessible to lightworkers, they draw the higher codes of the five Golden Ages on Earth (Angala, Petranium, Mu, Lemuria and Atlantis) into their chakra column. This provides them with information that is essential for their pathways. As the ascension process on Earth evolves, this ancient knowledge will become a part of everyday life once again.


1. Prepare for meditation. Find a sacred space where you will be undisturbed.

2. Ask the fire dragons to clear completely your four-body system of any density. Invite them to clear your Earth Star chakra also.

3. Relax as these mighty beings work within and around you.

4. When you are pure and clear, invoke Archangel Metatron. Ask him to run a column of light from the Great Central Sun down through your 12 chakras into Hollow Earth.

5. Relax as the golden-orange light floods through you.

6. Bring your attention to your Earth Star chakra. Invoke Archangel Sandalphon and ask him to illuminate it with his bright silver light.

7. See your Earth Star glowing with silver threads connecting you to the energies of Mother Earth. Allow this silver light to flow into the cells of your body, unifying you completely.

8. Call on Serapis Bey to light up the Golden Crystal Pyramid with the ancient light codes for your spiritual mission.

9. Allow your Earth Star to connect with the Golden Pyramid and see Serapis Bey drawing the light of your chakra into his beautiful crystalskull.

10. Light codes and information are now travelling up to your Earth Star. Be ready to receive and integrate them in whatever way they present themselves.

11. Now allow your Earth Star to connect with the planetary Earth Star chakra in London, UK.

12. Allow your light to flow to this spot, raising its vibration even higher.

13. When you feel ready, thank Archangels Sandalphon and Metatron. Thank Master Serapis Bey and the dragons too.

14. Open your eyes and be ready to spread light wherever your feet touch the ground.

2.The Expanded Base Chakra

The fifth-dimensional base chakra is the anchor point for our ascended mastery. It is sometimes described as the seat of the soul and enables us to achieve spiritual enlightenment.

When we embody our higher aspects, we begin our ascension process and this chakra glows with bright platinum light. Archangel Gabriel is responsible for the nurturing of the base chakra in the early stages of its development and assists us in purifying the lower energies that it may contain.

In the third dimension, the base chakra glowed a deep red. This colour represented the survival emotions that were experienced here on Earth, and many souls became lost within their lessons. As a result of this, many people began looking to often flawed leaders and teachers to make them feel safe. This is now rapidly changing as the platinum light of faith, trust, joy and harmony flows into our base chakras, attracting happy circumstances.

When Earth began her ascension process, we were able to reconnect with our mighty I AM Presence, our divine spark. This prompted many lightworkers to begin to anchor the higher aspects of themselves into their four-body system. When the fifth-dimensional base chakra is fully anchored, it expands until the division between Higher and Lower Self ceases to exist. We become our Higher Self.

As our light rises and we begin our master pathway here on Earth, the base chakra draws the vibration of the soul directly into the body. There are millions of people who have now achieved this transition. However, they do not realize it until they embrace their true magnificence.

The base chakra frequency tries to draw to our attention an understanding of who we truly are and this is one of the commonest lessons that it is teaching us on the master pathway.

Our emotional body is part of our four-body system and holds the memories of our lives in a physical body. Archangel Gabriel has recently combined his pure light with that of Archangel Christiel to help us clear our emotional bodies very quickly. Working together for the highest good of Earth and humanity, they have created a mixture of the Diamond Ray of Purification and the Cosmic Christ Light that is released for us at every full Moon.

This act of grace has enabled another wave of lightworkers to enter the second phase of the ascension process and embody a vibration that was available in Golden Atlantis. The mighty fire dragons have been assisting Archangel Gabriel with this mission, and they work ceaselessly on a 24-hour basis to ensure that we maintain the purest vibrations in our base chakras.

After every succeeding full Moon, a higher energy becomes available to us and our base chakras can anchor it. This process also strengthens our Antakarana bridge, which connects us directly to our monad in the higher dimensions.

Memories of the Golden Era of Atlantis are beginning to remind us of who we truly are. Many aspirants on the spiritual path are now ready to accept their own self-empowerment. When we all really understand the possibilities of our awesome power and abilities, our beliefs about ourselves will expand. Very often our guides and angels will present scenarios to us in order to empower us and encourage us to step into our higher roles. The base chakra assists by offering memories or prompts from previous incarnations that show us in a higher light. Any memories that do not serve are left behind.

Visualization to Anchor and Expand the Higher Base Chakra

1. Prepare for meditation. Create a sacred space and ensure that you are undisturbed.

2. Light a candle and dedicate it to yourself and your mighty power.

3. Call upon the Cosmic Diamond Violet Flame to wash through your four-body system, leaving it purified and clear. Also bring this flame through your 12 chakras.

4. Ask Archangels Gabriel and Zadkiel to place you within a shining cosmic diamond for the remainder of this meditation.

5. Sit quietly as they do this for you. See and feel this diamond shimmering around you, flowing with higher facets of the Violet Flame.

6. Bring your attention to your base chakra. Move into it. What colour do you perceive?

7. If there are any traces of red, move them with gentle hand movements into your cosmic diamond.

8. See the energy transmuted instantly into higher light.

9. Ask Archangel Gabriel to bring forth the highest facet of platinum light and fill your base chakra with this ray.

10. See it swirling and gleaming with this radiant energy.

11. As your fifth-dimensional base chakra anchors permanently and expands, invoke your monadic presence to anchor its higher energies into your base via your Antakarana bridge.

12. Feel a column of higher light moving down through the top of your head to merge with the platinum of your base.

13. At this point, sense and allow all the amazing achievements of mastery that you have ever experienced to flow into you and light you up.

14. Flood this energy from your base into your entire four-body system and allow it also to illuminate your merkabah.

15. Take a few moments to sense the energies of your base. When you are ready, stand on your feet.

16. Facing a mirror, look yourself in the eyes and say out loud:

17. ‘I AM an ascended master. I AM, I AM, I AM.’

18. Repeat this three times, or as often as you wish.

19. Thank Archangels Gabriel and Zadkiel and the dragons.

The Expanded Sacral Chakra

The fifth-dimensional sacral chakra has provided some challenging lessons to those on the ascension pathway. This chakra is concerned with our sexuality and interrelating with others. Family relationships tend to be formed from this chakra, depending on the karmic blueprint that our soul brings into incarnation.

In the Golden Era of Atlantis the people sometimes took an androgynous form, as they had transcended the sacral lessons. They would only express their sexuality if they wanted to bring in a new soul. The energy of this chakra was expressed as pure love.

When Atlantis fell, the higher connection between souls was replaced by behaviour that bonded people only on a physical level. Those lessons have now been learned, but the residual patterns are ingrained in many people, who are still acting them out, oblivious of the changes around them.

Because the fifth-dimensional chakra column has been anchoring in highfrequency individuals, it has highlighted the clearance needed in the sacral centres. When this happens, souls are presented with relationship challenges that require great wisdom, discernment and trust in the intuition. When you pass these final tests, you step into a glorious fifth-dimensional vibration.

Those who have attained this level of sacral light attract souls who allow them the freedom to be themselves. This means they can express their true light. A yearning to connect with their divine complement has added a higher dynamic to spiritual relationships.

At the Harmonic Convergence in 1987, the Aquamarine Ray embraced Earth again, flooding it with the energies of love and feminine compassion. A trine of great beings, the Angel Mary, Mother Mary and Isis, are holding this luminous healing ray. They have been directing this higher light to enter the sacral chakras of receptive souls and be distributed throughout the four-body system. This means that humanity can start to experience true love again.

Spiritual mastery requires full control over every situation that is presented. The higher forces designed many scenarios to test seekers and raise their levels of discernment. During the transition to a higher frequency, it can be quite difficult to distinguish between the energies of the heart and the sacral. When you attract a relationship via the third-dimensional sacral chakra, it usually implies a physical connection only. The fifth seeks transcendent love. However, a deeper soul connection is found within the heart.

As your sacral chakra starts to develop and grow, a remarkable expansion takes place. A soft luminous pink light of pure love glows there and then spreads to all who are near you. Your sacral chakra then expands and fills the entire hip area.

Every soul who masters the lessons of the sacral chakra adds to the wave of change that is lighting up planet Earth. This enables the souls who follow to have an easier passage through their tests and initiations.

As the sacral chakra continues its rapid expansion, the higher energy of transcendent love that is held there draws partners together. A sacral that matches the vibration of someone else’s will unify the two souls in perfect harmony. It is important, though, that the souls have lessons to learn from each other and that they learn in a manner that will assist their pathways. This will happen as we learn to follow the guidance of the higher energies bringing us together.

When family members connect through their higher sacral chakras, karmic bonds dissolve. This means that all the individuals within the family can be independent and free to enjoy relationships based on love and mutual respect.

When all our sacral chakras are fifth-dimensional, they will bring joy, light and unconditional love into all our relationships on Earth.

Visualization to Expand the Sacral Chakra

1. Prepare for meditation. Relax and ensure that you will be undisturbed in your sacred space.

2. Light a candle and dedicate it to the mighty fire dragons. Invoke them to join you.

3. Ask them to clear your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies of anything that you wish to release. Be very specific.

4. See and feel them illuminating and burning your stuff.

5. Ask them now to start to focus on your chakras and work from the Stellar Gateway down to the Earth Star.

6. When they reach the sacral, call upon Archangel Gabriel to join them.

7. Ask Archangel Gabriel to place an expanding diamond within your sacral as the dragons continue with their work.

8. Focus on this diamond. See its bright facets absorbing all you wish to transcend.

9. See also any physical relationships that you may have had being drawn into the diamond. The diamond may also contain souls from past lives who still carry personal karma with you.

10. When this diamond is as full as you can make it, ask the dragons to remove it and take it away for deep processing.

11. In your mind’s eye explore your sacral. How does it feel? How bright is the pink light radiating from it? How large is it? Has it expanded?

12. Invite Archangel Gabriel to continue working with this chakra for you for two further days under the Ray of Grace.

13. Invite your soul family to start connecting with you to fill your life with meaningful fifth-dimensional relationships.

14. Thank the fire dragons and Archangel Gabriel for their help.

15. Open your eyes and be ready to draw souls filled with love to you.

The Expanded Navel Chakra

Our navel chakra works to unify our energies with those of all other forms of life. When it is in place, awake and spinning, we are fully aware of our infinite connection to the universe.

As the higher ascension energies continue to flood the Earth, they are bringing this chakra into operation. This will assist us to come together in communities of unconditional love. People will learn to co-operate for the highest good and see the best in one another. Cultures will respect and honour their differences.

Archangel Gabriel assists with the development of the navel chakra, and when it spins at a fifth-dimensional frequency, we start to experience lessons that pertain to our divine mission. Our soul families are drawn to us at this time and a spiritual support network forms around us to guide us onto the golden pathway. These events have been orchestrated to flow simultaneously and very quickly. We now have the additional benefits of social media to connect us to likeminded people around the world, and this enables us to share our knowledge and understandings with others on a daily basis.

The navel chakra allows us to experience true perception and Oneness. When we are aware of our true essence, we see the world around us with enlightened vision.

Our universal connection to other souls is so powerful that many people are now waking up and are taking immediate action to bring balance to Earth. Examples of the navel chakra working can be seen everywhere, as the higher forces create events that invoke a sense of community in the hearts of the masses. Even some challenging circumstances are allowing people to meet and communicate with a sense of togetherness.

When we focus on the connections that our navel chakra reveals to us, we can begin to understand the deeper layers of our existence. It connects us to the vast energies of the universe and we can link in to the higher dimensions. These are filled with the illuminated souls who have guided us since our journey first began. As we fully accept our infinite bond to them, their energy is drawn to us. We then begin to embody Christ Light in all that we think and do.

This process is one of the most powerful that we can experience. It enables us to embrace every soul as our brother or sister, regardless of where they are or what they are doing.

The people of Golden Atlantis were able to experience the power of the navel chakra fully and live in a state of Oneness with each other. They knew the ground they walked on was a conscious entity, so they honoured it. They loved the birds because they knew they were the messengers of the angels. They worshipped the stars because they knew that they were flooding them with higher light. Every soul they met was seen as a brother or a sister, regardless of their genetic connection to them. Their ability to embrace others was their key to achieving the higher aspects of physical ascension on Earth. Their lives were filled with love and beauty on a daily basis.

Every experience of unity that they had was recorded in the blueprint of their navel chakras. As we now remember how our higher chakras work, we can access the memories that are stored here. The next phase of our ascension process is being orchestrated to unify our societies once again, but there is still much work to do before we can achieve this.

As we start to work on a deeper level with our navel chakras, we will see them begin to glow with golden light. This begins as a small dot in the centre and spreads outwards as we expand into a state of higher consciousness. When we learn to accept everyone on Earth as a part of ourselves, we will experience the unity that existed in Golden Atlantis. Earth will move permanently into the fifth dimension and we will live as One with Source.

Visualization to Expand the Navel Chakra

1. Prepare for meditation. Relax in your favourite sacred space and light a candle.

2. Call upon the mighty solar fire dragons to purify you and your space to the highest level possible.

3. See and feel these beautiful golden dragons swirling from the core of the Great Central Sun to be with you.

4. Visualize them moving around you clockwise and anti-clockwise in a vortex of golden fire.

5. Ask them to remove anything that is keeping you separated from others on your pathway. This may be experiences that you have had in this lifetime or many others.

6. Sense and feel the ninth-dimensional fire opening you up to all sentient beings.

7. When you feel pure and clear, thank the dragons for their work.

8. Call to the mighty Archangel Gabriel. Ask him to light up your navel chakra at its highest frequency.

9. Your navel chakra sits between your solar plexus and sacral. See it glowing like your own personal Sun.

10. Visualize golden-orange threads of pure light flowing out and connecting you to every single living thing on this planet – the birds, animals, insects, people, plants and trees.

11. Feel this connection also spreading to all non-sentient life-forms – the rocks, crystals and mountains of Earth. Feel their vibration as an intimate part of you.

12. Take this connection higher now and see your filaments of light moving up through time and space to join with other universes. Acknowledge the souls that live there and allow their knowledge and peace to flow through you.

13. Ask your navel chakra to send a message of peace and unity to everyone on Earth.

14. See your navel chakra sending this message through golden threads that connect you to these souls.

15. Focus on your navel chakra expanding until it encompasses the width of your body and is glowing with the brightest light.

16. Open your eyes, and know that you are One with All That Is.

The Expanded Solar Plexus Chakra

The solar plexus is an incredibly powerful psychic centre. It holds our gut feelings and sends out feelers to check what is happening around us. For thousands of years the souls on Earth ignored the psychic ability of this chakra and used their logical minds to navigate their pathways.

At the Harmonic Convergence in 1987, the Intergalactic Council decreed it was time for the higher solar plexus to anchor. They returned tools such as the Violet Flame of Transmutation to Earth to enable us to disperse the old and replace it with higher possibilities. So St Germain organized a massive clearance operation using the Violet Flame. Many karmic and energetic agreements are held in the solar plexus chakra and these were released at or after the Cosmic Moment in 2012. When it is fifth-dimensional, your solar plexus glows bright gold.

Under the guidance of the Intergalactic Council, the lightworkers of the first ascension wave, in an act of unconditional love, agreed to support others with the light of their fifth-dimensional solar plexus. The lightworkers passed through their own solar plexus chakras the energies of those who had lost their way. They then transmuted the old. This lifted the overall vibration of many who unconsciously wanted to join the second ascension wave and allowed them to see life from a higher perspective. They could then take any opportunity to evolve that was offered to them.

This has been a challenging mission for the lightworkers, who have been dealing with their own energies as well as assisting those around them. Some lightworkers have had to step back to recover their light and spiritual equilibrium.

The higher realms are now assisting with this mission and recently cords and attachments from millions of solar plexus chakras were cleared with downloads of cosmic light. This has been a great relief for the lightworkers on Earth, as they no longer have to manage the energies of others unless they choose to do so. Their rewards of this work are an advanced and powerful fifth-dimensional solar plexus chakra that glows with Christ Light. This chakra can now send out huge waves of energy into the world and assess what is happening around them. Its power is so vast that it has the ability to reach through multiple dimensional spaces at once. This allows us all to feel the energies of places or situations clearly and then discern the correct course of action.

To further speed up this process, many souls on the ascension path have taken physical action to free themselves or otherwise change their circumstances and follow their true calling.

The solar plexus is also guiding us by bringing to our conscious awareness deeper changes that need to be made. These decisions are usually life-changing and are drawn to our attention by strong prompts from our souls via our gut feelings.

The Golden Age now requires all of us on the master pathway to be fully responsible for our own energies. We must also be aware of the impact that our energy fields have on those around us. When your solar plexus chakra glows with bright golden light, it is free from the influence of others and indicates a higher state of mastery.

Visualization to Expand the Solar Plexus Chakra

1. Prepare for meditation. Light a candle and relax where you will be undisturbed.

2. Focus on your breathing and still your mind with deep, slow in-breaths.

3. On every out-breath, imagine your solar plexus glowing brightly with pure golden light.

4. Focus on your chakra and go within it. Feel its glowing energy.

5. How is it serving you? Is it clear and free?

6. Call upon the mighty fire dragons to join you in your meditation. Feel their radiant energy swirling around you, lighting up your sacred space.

7. Ask them to cleanse and purify any energy that exists within your solar plexus that does not belong to you.

8. Relax and feel their ascended fire cleansing these energies. You are pure, bright and clear.

9. View your solar plexus now. See how it is glowing.

10. Send a feeler of energy from your solar plexus into the seventh dimension. Push this light out from where you are sitting and see it enter a higher space.

11. Ask your solar plexus to record what it sees and bring impressions back to you in a form that you can easily understand.

12. Take the first thing that is given to you and write it down if you wish.

13. Call on Archangel Uriel to work with you for seven days to expand your solar plexus chakra to its maximum potential.

14. Thank the fire dragons and Archangel Uriel for their help.

15. Open your eyes and glow with the confidence of an enlightened master.

Decree to Release All Past- Life Cords and Contracts

Invite the mighty fire dragons to assist you.

Then, facing the East at sunrise, say this decree aloud three times to the universe:

‘I, [name], in the name of God, under the Law of One, completely rescind any past-life or current agreements or contracts that I have made in the physical or etheric world.

As a master, I now dissolve all energy vows.

I command the complete freedom of my bodies and soul to complete my mission here on Earth.

I now illuminate my chakras to their maximum potential and dedicate myself in service to Source.

I AM a master in all that I AM.’

When you have completed this, finish with ‘It is so’ and feel the words being taken to Source by the fire dragons. Remember to thank them.

Visualize your solar plexus chakra glowing with golden light as you take complete charge of your master pathway.

The Expanded Heart Centre

Everyone on Earth now has the opportunity to work with their fifth-dimensional ascension chakras. A large rise in vibration occurred on the Summer Solstice 2014. The concentration of light enabled a window of energy to open on Earth and took another few million souls over the ascension threshold.

The fifth-dimensional column of chakras becomes operational when we reach a light percentage of at least 79 per cent. The physical body and the subtle bodies all have to rise in harmony together, and this is when our ascension truly begins.

Many people on Earth have now achieved this level. They are working their way through their tests and lessons and starting to use their expanded light bodies.

The heart centre is the core of the ascension process. It begins the illumination of the four-body system by connecting to the Cosmic Heart and flooding us with Christ consciousness. This is the start of enlightenment, for it enables us to experience life from a higher perspective.

Walking mastery was in operation in the era of Golden Atlantis and has recently been reinstated as an agreement between the people on Earth and the Intergalactic Council. This new agreement enables us to hold very high quantities of light and stay in a physical body. It is known as an Adam Kadmon blueprint, in which the 12 fifth-dimensional chakras are fully operational and the 24 strands of DNA are active – 12 strands pertaining to the physical body and 12 to the spiritual body.

The fifth-dimensional heart centre shines with a pure white vibration and contains 33 chambers of unconditional love. As we climb the ladder of ascension, our hearts start to shine with the higher Christed Ray frequencies and glow with a beautiful golden-white light.

Our heart chakras also become much larger. The centres of advanced souls extend from shoulder to shoulder to allow a high flow of frequencies and have the ability to pass light to other people. This enables us to send love to others without having to speak.

The heart chakra of a master is also capable of awakening mastery in others. For example, if you leave your house in the morning with a fifth-dimensional frequency, the codes of mastery are passed to everyone you meet. A room full of people can become fifth-dimensional when you are near them.

Every chakra has a memory or energetic blueprint and this is very similar to the muscle memory of an athlete. Once the chakras pick up the higher vibration, they immediately wake up and shine with their higher potential. This is helping the ascension process move with incredible speed.

The Intergalactic Council have said that millions of illuminated hearts are now shining on Earth and more are awakening every second.

The huge influx of divine feminine energy now flowing into the planet is spiritualizing the masculine and balancing it. This allows everything to be seen from an angelic perspective and is one of the first signs that a soul has woken up and is starting to work with Christ consciousness energy. Those in power will eventually be aware of this viewpoint. Then our societies will become full of light and love.

The fifth-dimensional heart chakra is also the centre of deep personal truth. Jesus Christ ascended on Earth by speaking his heartfelt truth in the face of adversity. His heart was so pure that it opened a higher-dimensional space on this planet to allow the Christ Light to return.

All masters on the ascension pathway are now being tested on the strength in their hearts. The lessons we take may not be as difficult as those Jesus experienced, because his job was to make this process easier for those who came after him to Earth.

One of the blessings we are receiving during this 20-year transition period on Earth is a download of the Christ Light. Every single soul on Earth is now being deluged with these frequencies from the centre of the Cosmic Heart through the Moon.

In addition the facets of the higher heart are now starting to accept the light codes of Christ Light flowing in from the Lyran stargate. Archangel Christiel opened this portal in preparation for the second wave of the ascension process, which is now fully underway.

Visualization to Activate the Fifth-Dimensional Heart Chakra

1. Relax and prepare for meditation. Light a candle and find a sacred space.

2. Sit quietly and focus upon your breathing.

3. Feel your breath filling your lungs, and as you breathe out see it as golden-white light.

4. Bring your attention to the centre of your chest. See your heart centre as pure radiant white surrounded by a beautiful golden glow.

5. With each in-breath, see your heart expanding until it has reached the width of your shoulders.

6. Feel its power and magnificence and see it connected to the higher realms by golden threads of light.

7. Ask your heart a question. This can be anything that currently concerns you about yourself or our planet.

8. Wait for its response. It may come in the form of a picture, words or feelings.

9. Take the first answer that is given to you. Thank your heart.

10. Now think of family, friends or even souls who are not close to you physically.

11. See them cocooned in the centre of your glowing heart, bathed in its radiance and light.

12. See their hearts starting to glow like yours.

13. Ask Archangels Chamuel, Christiel and Mary to illuminate all the facets of your heart during the day and night.

14. Ask them to take your light and spread it to your soul family. 15. Open your eyes and be ready to spread your light to all you meet.

The Expanded Throat Chakra

The power of the spoken word is incredible. Within the essence of every word there are multiple layers of codes and vibrations. These affect everything around them. This has been recognized for millennia and people have been very careful about the vibrations they have distributed from this very commanding chakra.

Because people usually communicated by telepathy during the Golden Era of Atlantis, vocal communication and language were rudimentary. However, the people considered that the voices of their brothers and sisters were very sacred. They honoured every sound that was uttered and they only spoke loving, positive words. In fact there were no other words in their vocabulary. They lived in the now and only had a present tense. The voice is a sound box that massages a person internally, and this affirmative vocal melody enabled the inhabitants of Atlantis to maintain inner harmony. This was then reflected externally and kept their auras and fields completely clear. Discussions would be settled by agreeing on what was for the highest good, for everyone wanted to be fair and honest. They would apply the Violet Flame and higher gem rays to cleanse their fields. They also exercised great will and self-control at all times.

Their throat chakras became so powerful that the sound of their voices was used to provide healing in the temples. The sonic vibrations could harmonize the four-body system in a matter of seconds.

But in the final days of Atlantis, the people no longer listened to the wisdom of the High Priests and Priestesses. Because of this, the priesthood protected their sacred knowledge by downloading it into specially prepared very highfrequency quartz crystals. Sacred knowledge from the 12 temples was stored in crystal skulls, one for each area of Atlantis. This information was then transferred into a 13th skull, the amethyst one that is safely hidden on the inner planes. When enough people are living in the fifth dimension as enlightened masters, this will all be returned to us.

Archangel Michael oversees the development of the fifth-dimensional throat chakra. His role is vital. He frees this centre of all cords to allow the light to flow unhindered. When the higher chakra is ready to descend into the column, he merges his energy with the throat area. This clears and prepares it and allows this glorious centre of truth and power to anchor permanently there.

The colour of the fifth-dimensional throat chakra is an electric royal blue. As the chakra rises in frequency, a diamond spectrum of light becomes visible. This is a reflection of the heart of the master. In the upper ranges of the fifth dimension, the diamond light radiates out so strongly that it pierces all dimensional veils, allowing us to communicate directly with higher beings.

The Illumined Beings who are here to assist us take advantage whenever possible of this opportunity to speak with people on Earth. Some souls find themselves channelling the ancient languages of light from the higher learning planes. They speak in vibrations that are recognized by the energy bodies before the sound is transformed into healing. When this occurs, great accelerations take place in those who hear them, as dormant light codes are activated in their soul blueprints.

Beings who communicate physically with Earth through sound vibrations are usually Sirian or Pleiadean, as these beings have been working closely with the masters of Earth since Lemurian times. Commander Ashtar is a Venusian avatar who regularly releases information from his Intergalactic Fleet to those who are capable of accepting or transmitting the frequency through their throat chakra.

One of the greatest joys of life as an ascended master is experiencing the freedom to speak your truth with purity of heart. Pure words bring unconditional love into the lives of all who hear them. You automatically trust someone whose throat chakra is vibrating with truth.

As Earth progresses into the fifth dimension, everyone on Earth will be required to speak the truth of their soul. When all members of the human race have fully connected with one another on a conscious level, there will be no need for secrets, as all will be revealed through the vibration of their auras and fields. Pure truth will shine from the Earth, which will radiate golden light once again.

Visualization to Clear and Expand the Throat Chakra

1. Prepare for meditation. Find a quiet sacred place where you will be undisturbed and light a candle if you wish.

2. Hold a favourite crystal. Clear quartz would be perfect for this exercise.

3. Invoke the mighty Archangel Michael and ask him to be your guide and companion during this visualization.

4. Ask him to place his hand upon your throat, lighting up your chakra so that it is the brightest royal blue.

5. Holding your crystal in your right hand, place it upon your throat.

6. Sense and feel the energy amplifying and anchoring your energy into the fifth-dimensional frequency.

7. Tune into your throat chakra. Are there any blockages in there? Allow Archangel Michael’s energy to release and dissolve any energies that prevent you from speaking your spiritual truth.

8. Now invoke the presence of Archangel Gabriel. See him holding a sparkling rainbow diamond in his hands.

9. Invite him to place the diamond in your throat. Sense and feel the vibration of your chakra rising further still.

10. See light codes and pure vibrations reaching out from your throat and connecting to luminous beings from higher dimensions. Do you have any questions for them?

11. If so, sit quietly and await your response. This can arrive in any form, so be open and ready to receive.

12. Thank Archangels Michael and Gabriel for their help.

13. Open your eyes and smile. Know that every word you speak will be infused with pure love and will open the hearts of those around you.

The Expanded Third Eye Chakra

Walking mastery requires individuals to be completely self-sufficient on their soul path, taking full responsibility for their lives, taking their own decisions and standing in their personal power. At last, souls are now reconnecting with their true selves and stepping into full mastery.

One of the most effective tools that we have on Earth is the ability to create our own reality. We are now learning to do this in a positive manner, with the assistance of the higher realms. When our planet started to rise in frequency, we gained access to our master abilities again and started to remember how to use them effectively. The 20-year period of transition to the fifth dimension is being used to teach us once more to create the life that brings us soul satisfaction.

In recent times the fifth-dimensional crown chakra has started to merge with the crystal ball of the third eye. This is giving lightworkers a huge increase in their manifestation abilities, and these skills are supported by the rise in planetary energies. Since the Cosmic Moment, the fifth-dimensional energy on Earth has become very accessible. This is now allowing us to see how quickly our thoughts turn into reality. As a result, new scenarios are challenging us to manifest from a pure heart. We are reminded to focus on what we really want the universe to deliver for the highest good.

The merging of our third eye and crown centre is a natural progression for our fifth-dimensional chakras and requires precision handling. Our third eyes are now expanding, so that more and more of us are seeing the world of spirit. Furthermore, the fifth-dimensional third eye allows us to enjoy clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience and claircognizance. Our abilities are expanding rapidly.

The fifth-dimensional third eye looks like a pure crystal ball that glows with an emerald light. This is often amplified by the energies of Archangel Raphael, who is responsible for the development with this chakra.

As we start to anchor and use the expanded third eye, it begins to unify with the crown chakra and a new energy screen starts to form on the outside of our head. This is usually found 15cm (6in) in front of the forehead and resembles a golden-green screen onto which we project our thoughts and wishes for manifestation. When we begin to access these abilities, we are co-creating with the Divine at a very high level.

During Golden Atlantis these abilities were honed to perfection by the AltaMagi. These highly evolved beings worked with the priesthood of Atlantis as masters of manifestation. They were so well trained that they could create solid objects with the power of their minds. Many of us are now remembering our Atlantean lifetimes and are stepping forwards to carve a path of light directly into the fifth dimension.

The higher energies are allowing us the freedom to create love and beauty in many different ways. As masters, we are responsible for teaching ourselves and others how to do this. One of the fastest ways that we can achieve higher manifestation with the third eye is by training ourselves to live lightly and think positively at all times. This takes practice and dedication, but when we do achieve it, we can enjoy our creations of love and bliss.

There are two mighty ascended masters who are now helping us to blend our third eye and crown chakras. These are Lord Voosloo and the Master Serapis Bey, who were both High Priests in the Golden Age of Atlantis. They initiated and trained specifically chosen high-frequency Magi to access incredible powers that could manipulate reality.

During the Golden Era of Atlantis, the Magi were at the forefront of any work that was being done to raise the frequency of the Atlantean continent.

Visualization to Merge the Crown and Third Eye Chakras with Lord Voosloo and Serapis Bey

1. Prepare for meditation. Ensure that you eat lightly during the day and drink plenty of fluid.

2. Call forth the dragons of the Cosmic Diamond Violet Flame to purify your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies.

3. Feel and see these powerful elementals lighting up every cell of your being with crystal violet fire.

4. When you are sparkling and clear, ask Lords Voosloo and Serapis Bey to come to you.

5. They join you. Serapis Bey is dressed in pure white, and Voosloo is wearing robes that glow like the Sun.

6. They are leading you down beautiful candlelit steps into a circular room. This room is adorned with golden symbols on the walls and goblets of golden fire that blaze with a pure etheric light.

7. You are invited to sit on an ornate seat in the centre of this room and close your eyes. Feel yourself being illuminated by the pure golden fire that ignites every cell of your body at a fifth-dimensional frequency.

8. Become aware of your 12 chakras lighting up in harmony with this light.

9. Lords Voosloo and Serapis Bey stand in front of you. You see that you are also surrounded by a circle of gentle and powerful beings. These are the priests and priestesses of Golden Atlantis.

10. Lord Voosloo places his hand upon your crown chakra. Sense and feel his energy pulsing through your aura and fields.

11. Visualize your third eye glowing crystal emerald green and mixing with the pure gold of your crown.

12. Energy is spreading down through your body and forming a beautiful golden-green cloak around your body and your fields. Relax and breathe deeply as this energy integrates with you.

13. Serapis Bey now places a handful of his White Ascension Flame into each of your chakras.

14. Feel the flame illuminating your Stellar Gateway, soul star, causal, crown, third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, navel, sacral, base and Earth Star chakras.

15. As this is completed, Serapis Bey speaks. He tells you that you have been gifted and graced with an amazing responsibility for your awakening planet.

16. Now your abilities to create your new reality will be enhanced. You will be able to manifest love and beauty around you with the speed of an ascended master.

17. Use this gift to co-create pure love in your life and the lives of others.

18. Take a moment to visualize this golden-green cloak around you and see its light flowing from your third eye to everything that you focus upon.

19. Stand and thank Serapis Bey, Lord Voosloo and the Atlantean souls who have joined you for this ceremony.

20. When you are ready, leave the beautiful room and walk back up the steps to your reality.

21. Breathe deeply and open your eyes. Be ready to create with the divine power of an ascended master.

The Expanded Crown Chakra

The role of our crown chakra has changed dramatically as we have embraced the higher ascension energies. Each of the thousand petals of the crown is now like a radio antenna looking for higher frequencies it can tune into. It will then bring these ascended vibrations into our pineal gland.

As the crown rises in frequency, all seventh to ninth-dimensional frequencies are rerouted to the Stellar Gateway chakra, which becomes a chalice linked to the Great Central Sun. A multitude of light codes spanning the universes will pour into this golden chalice. Depending on your mission, your Stellar Gateway will be tuned to specific codes that support your soul energy. Guided by your monad, your individual cosmic and universal links can then be activated for your ascension process.

Archangel Jophiel is responsible for assisting us with the early stages of the development of the fifth-dimensional crown, and he gently fills this chakra with higher vibrations to help it to expand. As this occurs, we also receive a wave of energy from our monadic presence. This download of light spreads from our crown centre through our spiritual fields, which extend around us for up to 32km (20 miles). Our spiritual fields contain the many dormant light codes that we have chosen for our mission on Earth. These codes are now being activated, guided by the higher realms.

The crown chakra then starts to receive energy and instructions directly from our soul blueprint and this helps to guide us onto our master pathway. The experiences that we receive during this process are both challenging and expansive.

Our ascension mission is very specific. We have incarnated on Earth at this time with important jobs to do and it is essential that we focus directly on the task in hand. As our crown chakra becomes fifth-dimensional, it draws our attention to inner knowledge and guidance. During the last paradigm on Earth, many spiritual souls followed the promptings of their guides and angels, but these are now stepping back to allow us to become self-sufficient.

While Tim was writing the first Archangel guide book with Diana, he experienced this for himself. He had always been in touch with his angels and had become very used to the continual flow of higher information. But while he was writing The Archangel Guide to Ascension , his flow of information stopped. Naturally, this disturbed him, as he had never experienced this before. He took some time out to meditate on the problem and tuned into the guidance of his heart for the solution.

After a short while, the issue became clear. The vibration on Earth was rising sharply and had created a huge change in his energy fields. He then started to look internally for the knowledge that was needed to complete the book and found that his library of information from Atlantis had been activated. He was able to use his knowledge as a High Priest to complete the book and to access vital information that he had stored away many lifetimes ago in Golden Atlantis.

Throughout that year he saw many others experiencing this situation and responding to it in the same way. This was confirmation that our responsibilities as masters have begun to increase and grow.

Throughout history many Illumined Masters have been portrayed with halos, indicating that light or knowledge is pouring from their crown chakras. As the fifth-dimensional energies expand within us, our crown begins to glow with golden light and the thousand petals of higher consciousness open to create a perfect balance of enlightened wisdom.

We have often had many lifetimes as masters and we all have the opportunity to access this wisdom now to help Earth move into the Golden Age of Gaia.

Visualization to Expand the Crown Chakra and Unlock Your Master Wisdom

1. Prepare for meditation. Eat lightly throughout the day and drink plenty of pure water.

2. Relax within your sacred space. Light a candle if you wish and place crystals around you.

3. Call upon the mighty fire dragons to clear your chakras and four-body system of any dense energies.

4. Relax as they swirl around you, lighting you up with their golden flames.

5. Call on Lord Serapis Bey and ask him to place the White Ascension Flame of Atlantis into your 12-chakra system.

6. See him approach you dressed in pure white. He is smiling and holding the White Ascension Flame in his hands.

7. Feel your chakras lighting up from your Stellar Gateway down to your Earth Star. Relax and allow this energy to flood through you until you are glowing and fifth-dimensional.

8. Serapis Bey is now inviting you to go with him to his pyramid in Hollow Earth. Together you walk along a tunnel of gold that is leading directly to his Golden Crystal Pyramid, his Pyramid of Agartha.

9. He invites you to stand at the doorway to his pyramid. When you knock, the door swings open and you walk into a beautiful room with a golden throne in the centre.

10. Serapis Bey invites you to be seated on this golden throne and focus on your crown chakra. Feel it glowing bright gold and starting to open like a thousand-petalled lotus.

11. Serapis Bey now hands you a large and ancient book and you place it on your lap.

12. He tells you that this book contains your wisdom from all of your lifetimes as a master. He invites you to open it.

13. As you open the book, beautiful shapes, codes and golden letters rise off the pages and start to enter your crown chakra.

14. Feel them starting to open your crown to its maximum capacity as the codes start to flow throughout your body and energy fields.

15. Relax and breathe deeply as this process lights you up with ancient wisdom, light and knowledge.

16. Serapis Bey is stroking these codes and letters into your aura and lighting them up so that they shine brightly. Take a few moments to observe this in your mind’s eye. Do you recognize any of the symbols?

17. You are now glowing with ancient knowledge and light and you can access this wisdom for your higher ascension pathway.

18. Thank Serapis Bey and the fire dragons and leave his pyramid, knowing that you can return here anytime that you wish.

19. Open your eyes and smile. You are ready to bring your soul wisdom to others to help them on their journey.

The Expanded Causal Chakra


The moon-white Causal chakra in Atlantean times was as physical as the Crown and occupied a space at the back of the skull, creating an elongated head. When it is first activated, it is separate from the head, resting between the Crown and the Soul Star Chakra. As the light level of a master rises, the causal chakra unites with the 5th dimensional chakra column. Then it is drawn into physical contact with the head. The Causal Chakra is a spiritual chakra and considered one of the transcendent chakras. The transcendent chakras are always 5th dimensional. It’s connected to the Moon and is like your own personal Moon, absorbing and radiating divine feminine light. The Causal Chakra acts as a magnet for lunar light, drawing it directly into the four-body system. This raises your vibration and illuminates the deep feminine wisdom held within your soul. The divine feminine is one of the most powerful energies that has been cascading onto Earth in recent times. This vibration of compassion and wisdom was withdrawn at the fall of Atlantis, and for the next 10,000 years afterwards, its loss dramatically affected humanity’s journey. It is now returning to all of us and is dissolving the unbalanced masculine force and allowing the heart to rule once more. The Moon is playing a large and important part in this, as it is an ascended satellite that holds the highest aspects of the divine feminine. These are monitored and dispensed by the Universal Angel Mary and her team of unicorns. The Moon also reflects the light of the Great Central Sun, known as Helios. This 9th dimensional spiritual star sends light to Earth via our Sun. As this energy leaves Helios, it is divine masculine in vibration and balanced with the influence of Vesta, which is the divine feminine counterpart (twin flame) of the Central Sun system. During full moon periods on Earth, the powerful silver light pours into the minds of humanity and affects people profoundly, creating huge shifts in enlightenment in preparation for the pending new Golden Age. Animals and sensitive people can be profoundly affected by the full moon and the vibrations they emit. Throughout 2014 and 2015, the full moons became increasingly potent, culminating in the incredibly powerful full moon of September 2015. Gaia herself has now received enough of the lunar light to balance the masculine and feminine energies on Earth. The Causal Chakra also has another powerful purpose. It provides the seeker with a deep and intimate connection to the world of Spirit. The level of this connection depends on the psychic gifts an individual has brought forward from their past lives. It is also contingent on their soul mission. The Causal Chakra also allows a two-way flow of energy and light from the angelic realms. This brings the angelic vibration to the individual and anchors it permanently. A unicorn will connect with you when it sees your light of service lighting up over your Crown Chakra and will enter your energy field through your Causal Chakra. This has the power to alter your soul path completely. Archangel Christiel is in charge of the development of the Causal Chakra and because this chakra is so important in the progress of humanity’s enlightenment, he continues to work with us all on our journey to become enlightened masters. As the light within our souls grows brighter, Archangel Christiel brings even higher aspects of Christ consciousness into Earth’s energy field. This light shines through the Causal Chakra and the center of the heart. The completion of this higher embodiment of Christ Light will occur before 2032 so that we are ready for the new Golden Age. HOW TO ACTIVATE THE CAUSAL CHAKRA: There are several ways to activate the Causal Chakra in the 5D, including:

  1. Meditation: Regular meditation can help activate and balance this chakra, allowing us to access higher dimensions and spiritual realms.

  2. Energy Healing: Reiki, pranic healing, and other forms of energy healing modalities can help activate and balance the Causal Chakra.

  3. Crystals: Certain crystals like clear quartz, selenite, and amethyst can help activate and balance this chakra.

  4. Affirmations: Positive affirmations that focus on our connection to the divine can help activate and balance the Causal Chakra.

CONCLUSION The causal chakra is an essential aspect of our energetic anatomy that connects us to our higher self and the universe. By understanding its function and how to activate it, we can enhance our spiritual growth, well-being, and ability to manifest our desires. We hope this article has been helpful to you in your spiritual journey.

The moon-white causal chakra is located just behind the rear of the skull. During Atlantean times it was as physical as the crown and occupied a space at the back of the skull, creating an elongated head. When it is first activated, it is separate from the head, resting between the crown and the soul star chakras. As the light level of a master rises, the causal unites with the fifth-dimensional chakra column. Then it is drawn into physical contact with the head.

The transcendent chakras are always fifth-dimensional. This is the third of the transcendent centres. It is connected to the Moon and is like your own personal Moon, absorbing and radiating divine feminine light. It acts as a magnet for lunar light, drawing it directly into the four-body system. This raises your vibration and illuminates the deep feminine wisdom held within your soul. Since the Cosmic Moment in 2012, the causal chakras of all awakened souls have expanded rapidly.

The divine feminine is one of the most powerful energies that has been cascading onto Earth in recent times. This vibration of wisdom and compassion was withdrawn at the fall of Atlantis and for the next 10,000 years its loss dramatically affected humanity’s journey. However, it is returning to all of us now and is dissolving the unbalanced masculine force and allowing the heart to rule once more.

The Moon is playing a large and important role in this, for it is an ascended satellite that holds the higher aspects of the divine feminine. These are monitored and dispensed by the Universal Angel Mary and her team of unicorns. They harvest this pure and gentle feminine illumination at peak times and flood the people of Earth with waves of it to create softer possibilities.

The Moon also reflects the light of the Great Central Sun, known as Helios. This ninth-dimensional spiritual star sends light to Earth via our Sun. As this energy leaves Helios, it is divine masculine in vibration and balanced with the influence of Vesta, which is the divine feminine counterpart of the Central Sun system.

During full Moon periods on Earth, the powerful silver light pours into the minds of humanity and affects people profoundly, creating huge shifts in enlightenment in preparation for the pending new Golden Age.

Full Moons have always been times of magic and awe. It has long been recognized that animals and sensitive people can be profoundly affected by the vibrations they emit. Throughout 2014 and 2015 the full Moons became increasingly potent, culminating in the incredibly powerful full Moon of September 2015. Gaia herself has now received enough of the lunar light to balance the masculine and feminine energies on Earth. However, there will continue to be extraordinarily influential full Moons as the masculine and feminine energies of vast swathes of people come into equilibrium.

As well as absorbing and spreading the divine feminine light, the causal chakra has another powerful purpose: it provides the seeker with a deep and intimate connection to the world of spirit. The level of this connection depends on the psychic gifts an individual has brought forwards from their past lives. It is also contingent on their soul mission.

The causal also allows a two-way flow of energy and light from the angelic realms. This brings the angelic vibration to the individual and anchors it permanently. When the causal chakras of the lightworkers became active again, the unicorns connected their awesome pure light to Earth through these beings.

A unicorn will connect with you when it sees your light of service lighting up over your crown and will enter your energy fields through your causal chakra. This happening is so significant, beautiful and powerful that it has the potential to alter your soul path completely.

Unicorns are the only beings who carry pure grace as they work with Earth. They bless all circumstances with unconditional love. These mighty beings vibrate between the seventh and the ninth-dimensional frequency and of course the seventh-dimensional ones arrived first to help and illuminate us. In 2015, ninth-dimensional unicorns came in to light up and touch the hearts of everyone.

Archangel Christiel is in charge of the development of the causal chakra and because this chakra is so important in the progress of humanity’s enlightenment, he continues to work with us all on our journey to become enlightened masters.

As the light held within all souls grows brighter, Archangel Christiel brings even higher aspects of Christ consciousness into Earth’s energy field. This light shines through the causal chakra and the centre of the heart. The completion of this higher embodiment of Christ Light will occur before 2032 so that we are ready for the new Golden Age.

Visualization to Expand the Causal Chakra

1. Prepare for meditation. Pick a sacred spot and light a candle if you choose.

2. Call upon Archangel Christiel to fill your four-body system with ninthdimensional Christ Light.

3. Breathe this into every cell of your body and allow it to wash you completely clean. Rest for a moment in this light.

4. Bring your attention to your causal chakra and see it glowing bright radiant white.

5. See it connecting to the Moon with pure white filaments reaching up to touch it.

6. Bring the light of the Moon back to your causal chakra and see it expanding until it completely merges with you.

7. Allow Archangel Christiel to anchor this higher aspect of the chakra into your physical body. Feel and sense how this affects your field of energy.

8. Sense your causal chakra sending out magnetic vibrations into the angelic realms.

9. Archangels and angels are now coming to you. They are carrying gifts of pure light in their hands. Behind them glides a magnificent ninthdimensional unicorn.

10. Allow these beings to place their gifts within your causal chakra. Feel the beauty and light expanding your causal until it matches the luminosity of the Moon.

11. The unicorn approaches you now and she carries a message for your higher ascension pathway. This may come as words, sacred geometry or light codes.

12. Draw this into your heart centre and know that your journey will carry the brightest light.

13. Thank the angels and the unicorn and return to your sacred space.

14. Open your eyes and use your expanded causal to flood angelic light into the lives of everyone around you.

The Expanded Soul Star

The soul star chakra is the second of the transcendent spiritual centres and it considerably influences our enlightenment. Located 30cm (12in) above the crown, immediately above the causal chakra in the integrated column, it is activated during the early stages of the ascension process. It is unique because it becomes accessible before a person reaches a 79 per cent light quotient. All that is required is for a soul to accept their spiritual mission.

The soul star chakra holds every single gift, talent and spiritual achievement that has been gained during a soul’s journey. This includes knowledge and wisdom earned during lives that have been experienced in other bodies, dimensional spaces and universes. So once this chakra becomes active, a magnificent library of information becomes available to the seeker.

When the soul star first starts to wake, its development is overseen by Archangels Zadkiel and Mariel. These radiant beings are in continuous attendance during the early days of its activation. They ensure that it is opened and activated to its maximum capacity.

The soul star is divided into two aspects, higher and lower. The lower connects the soul with its essence, drawing in light from the monad to accelerate its chosen path. This occurred for many people while they were progressing into the fourth dimension. This is when your heart opens and you start to recognize your soul journey.

The higher aspect of your soul star is the true key to your wisdom as a master. At the Summer Solstice of 2014, fifth-dimensional ascension chakras became available to everyone as the soul star moved into the next phase of its activation and its glorious bright magenta light anchored in millions of people. This opened doorways to past-life gifts, knowledge and consciousness.

With access to their treasure chest of cosmic and personal attainments, the enlightened masters of Earth are now starting to manifest great skills. This is moving everyone into a much higher vibration.

Tim had his first soul star experience in 2008. After a massive life change, he was visited by Archangel Michael during morning meditation. The archangel told him that although he loved him very much, he must now become more responsible for his own energies and not call on him so often.

Archangel Michael then presented Tim with a piece of ancient Atlantean technology called the Blue Star Seal that would allow him to manage his own energy systems. This was retrieved from Tim’s soul star and activated. Tim’s memories and gifts from his lifetime as Thoth then came flooding back. Five years later, Archangel Michael told him he could pass the technique to those who were ready for it, and he did so in The Archangel Guide to Ascension .

All seekers on the spiritual pathway have access to the same level of information. However each soul pathway is completely unique. The soul star chakra provides exactly what a master needs when they need it. It will never bring forwards information or memories that are not relevant or applicable at that time.

As you work directly with an expanded soul star, incredible doorways open. When you look directly into the soul star chakra you see lines of pure light moving through time and space. These lead via golden doors to memories of high-frequency lifetimes. These illuminated doorways are the etheric stores of knowledge connected to the monadic presence, Hollow Earth, the Halls of Amenti and the Akashic Records.

All these divine records are accessible, depending on your vibrational frequency. The more brightly you shine, the further your soul can travel to retrieve what you need. When you reach this level, Archangels Zadkiel and Mariel take a step back to allow you to stand in your own power. Many on the ascension path are now experiencing a withdrawal of spiritual assistance because of the clear light that they hold. The higher realms are observing us rather than leading us by the hand. Guidance is always available, but it is the masters of Earth who are really anchoring the light of the Aquarian Age.

During the Golden Era of Atlantis, the High Priests and Priestesses developed their own soul star chakras to their full potential. The Alta could use this chakra to develop spiritual tools which could raise the vibration of others. They could connect with the 12th-dimensional light of their own monads and this enabled them to access the blueprint for incredible technology. This was one of the factors that allowed Atlantis to become the foundation for fifth-dimensional life on Earth.

If you ever lived and worked in the Golden Era of Atlantis, you have the light and love of this time stored within your soul star chakras. It is this energy that will enable our planet to ascend gloriously over the next 20 years. Then we will start to progress to spiritual and technological heights that were not even imagined by the wise ones of Atlantis.

Visualization to Access the Soul Star Chakra

1. Prepare for meditation. Find a sacred space, light a candle if you choose and completely relax.

2. Close your eyes and breathe deeply. Bring your attention to your soul star chakra, 30cm (12in) above your head.

3. See it glowing an amazing luminous magenta. In the core is a bright blue light.

4. Focus on this blue light and move your energy into it. Feel it becoming one with you.

5. See yourself standing outside a glowing blue and magenta doorway. Archangels Zadkiel and Mariel are there to greet you.

6. They open the doorway for you and allow you to step in.

7. Before you is a shimmering silver pathway extending as far as the eye can see. There are glowing portals of light on each side of the path, each containing a gateway to a past life that you have lived.

8. These portals hold all your glorious spiritual achievements. Pick one and open it.

9. What energy is contained within it?

10. Take the first thing that is given to you and draw it into your heart centre. Feel the light from this lifetime raising your vibration to a new peak.

11. Pick another gateway. Ask Archangel Zadkiel and Mariel to assist you to open more doors if you wish.

12. Draw all the light into your heart and allow the codes and vibrations to expand throughout your body. Feel your personal cosmic knowledge lighting you up and making you glow.

13. Bring your attention back to your soul star chakra above your head. See how large and bright it has become.

14. Thank Archangels Zadkiel and Mariel and return to where you started.

15. Open your eyes and be ready to receive your ancient wisdom in whatever form it comes to you.

You can do this visualization as often as you wish.

The Expanded Stellar Gateway

The Your Divine Gateway Chakra is located 45 cms above your head, blazes golden orange light.

This chakra center is the Divine light portal allowing you complete connection to Divine Source, and offering an open doorway to explore other worlds and realms. Here, full ascension, advanced spiritual skills, complete oneness with Divinity and full connection to the cosmos, other worlds, and beyond is realized.

Activating this chakra allows you to access the Goddess Light, become one with the Mother, and become a star gate yourself enabling peace, balance, and ascension to enter into humanity through you.

All the rays of the Divine, and all the qualities of the Divine represented by the higher vibrational beings align with you here.

Divine light pouring down through your higher chakras, in through your Soul Star and down your spinal column, through your Earth Star chakra, and directly connecting to the light at the core of the Earth before flowing up in an unending loop of Divine awakening, presence, growth, and advancement once again.

The Stellar gateway is located roughly approximately twelve inches (30 cm) above the top of the head and has a gold color. Archangel Metatron works with this highest chakra. This chakra contains and holds all the experiences we have across all the lifetimes and is a gateway to what we call as the source.

In literal terms, ‘Stellar’ means related to stars and ‘gateway’ means an opening that can be closed by a gate. Hence this chakra is actually a gateway to the stars ie: the higher vibrations. It stands for our access to the ultimate source.

However, once the ego starts seeping in this chakra will lose contact with the source. It is said to be the source of highest link linking to cosmos interstellar and is timeless. It is golden in colour and said to have representations of the spiritual achievements.


The Divine Gateway Chakra is located just above the Soul Star and is connected to our connection to the divine and our connection to the greater universe.

With your Divine Gateway chakra activated, your Divine essence is intact. This chakra center is the Divine light portal allowing you complete connection to Divine Source, and offering an open doorway to explore other worlds and realms.

Here, full ascension, advanced spiritual skills, complete oneness with Divinity and full connection to the cosmos, other worlds, and beyond is realized.

Here you enter the Super Galactic Realms, access the Divine Mother, and the Womb of the entire universe.

Activating this chakra allows you to access the Goddess Light, become one with the Mother, and become a star gate yourself enabling peace, balance, and ascension to enter into humanity through you.

All the rays of the Divine, and all the qualities of the Divine represented by the higher vibrational beings align with you here.

Activate this chakra, and allow all the blessings to then flow back down. Divine light pouring down through your higher chakras, in through your Soul Star and down your spinal column, through your Earth Star chakra, and directly connecting to the light at the core of the Earth before flowing up in an unending loop of Divine awakening, presence, growth, and advancement once again.

When the Divine Gateway Chakra is balanced, we feel connected to the divine and to the greater universal energy. We are able to access our higher consciousness and to use it to create a life of peace and joy. When the Divine Gateway Chakra is unbalanced, we may feel blocked, disconnected or confused. Practices such as meditation, prayer and gratitude can help to balance the Divine Gateway Chakra.


Chakras are energy centers located throughout the human body that are associated with different physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of our being. The chakra system consists of seven primary chakras that run from the base of the spine to the top of the head. In addition to these seven chakras, there are also two higher spiritual chakras known as the Divine Gateway (Stellar Gateway) and the Soul Star Chakras.

The Divine Gateway chakra is located just above the crown chakra, 18 inches above the head, and is associated with the color white or gold. It is sometimes referred to as the Stellar Gateway chakra because it is said to be the gateway to the cosmos and the source of our spiritual connection to the universe.

When your lower chakras are ready, this mighty flower opens so that you can access divine energy.

In literal terms, “Stellar” means related to the stars, and “gateway” refers to an opening that can be closed by a gate. Thus, this stellar gateway chakra is actually the gateway to the stars or higher vibrations.


The Divine Gateway chakra is located just above the crown chakra and is often described as being outside the physical body. It is associated with the symbol of a star, which represents the light and energy of the cosmos.

The Stellar Gateway chakra is the 12th chakra of the 12 chakra system, it’s a multi-faceted light, known as the chakra of Universal Consciousness. It allows us to transcend the mundane to reach enlightenment with the Divine.

It allows us to stretch beyond our common sphere of understanding into Universal Unity with All That Is. It’s said that it’s the chakra of mastery of the soul’s purpose through our human experience.


The purpose of the Divine Gateway chakra is to connect us to the divine and the infinite. It is the chakra that is responsible for our spiritual development and our connection to higher consciousness. When this chakra is balanced and open, we are able to access our intuition and psychic abilities and connect with the universe on a deeper level.

The energy associated with the Divine Gateway chakra is pure consciousness and pure light. It is the energy of the cosmos and the universal consciousness that connects all things. When this energy is flowing freely through the chakra, we are able to tap into our spiritual potential and experience higher states of consciousness.

The 12th chakra contains the ascension energies which are used at the proper times to bathe all other chakras below it in ascension energy and cause them to accelerate faster than light. This eventually results in the annihilation of the physical body and the manifestation of the light body in its place. At this point, you are fully ascended and can go anywhere in the Universe.

The Stellar Gateway holds your monadic energy, and contains the sum of all your experiences. Your monad is 12th dimensional. It’s your divine original spark and the true essence of who you are. As you become ready to bring this higher energy into your daily life, you simultaneously access Source energy. You experience the ultimate consciousness- true oneness.

When the divine gateway chakra is imbalanced, we may feel disconnected from our spiritual selves and experience a lack of purpose or direction in our lives. Physical symptoms of an imbalanced Divine Gateway chakra can include headaches, migraines, and other neurological issues.


This chakra is a cosmic doorway to all the Light densities. The Stellar Gateway chakra and the Soul Star chakra are portals through which very high frequency light can enter our etheric body.

Opening the 12th chakra allows us direct access to Source, letting divine spiritual insight enter us. This is filtered down by the Soul Star chakra, but can only be activated in conjunction with the Earth Star chakra, in order to ground and connect us to the Earth.

This chakra enhances communication with enlightened beings existing beyond the physical realm and facilitates conscious access of the ascension chakras.


The 11th chakra contains the advanced skills that the 12 chakra releases. Skills like, out of body experiences outside of the solar system, and out of body travel beyond 200 years, healing of Self and of others, sometimes instantaneous healing, or at least very quickly. Telekinesis and teleportation are also possible, but these two don’t show themselves until just prior to ascension energies completing its ascension process.

Control over natural elements can also be developed (air, water, fire and Earth) to an advanced degree when this chakra begins opening.

The 12th chakra is the doorway to the cosmos and beyond. Because of this, many of the skills released here are meant to be used off Earth and beyond. Any form of problem associated with these skills can be caused by an incorrectly wired 11th chakra. What you are likely to see here are blocked ascension energies.

Blocked ascension energies can cause very strange problems, like spontaneous uncontrolled out of body experiences, uncontrolled spontaneous movement of objects, and appearing and disappearing objects, uncontrolled healing abilities, uncontrolled inner visions that disrupt the natural flow of the day.

What happens is the energy backs up and when it gets strong enough, it bursts through and over-energizes the 11th chakra, releasing these skills quickly and unintentionally.


Viewed from the angelic realms, the illuminated Stellar Gateway chakra is the most magnificent sight. As our angels, guides, and other beings of light observe our progress, they have the pleasure of watching our light bodies blossom with our soul essence. An incredibly bright light shines from our 5th dimensional chakra column as it draws in the higher vibrations from all corners of the universe.

Every human’s chakra system emits a unique light as it radiates their individual soul mission for that lifetime. The task of the Stellar Gateway is to connect the individual soul in a physical body to the source of light from which they originate. This is the star or planet of origin.

When we had only 7 operational chakras, our Crown Chakra was in charge of receiving and processing all the inflow of information provided to us. As we progress into the 5th dimensional way of living, the Stellar Gateway takes this role. When it becomes active at the start of the ascension process, all our energy systems start to reroute their flow of light and power.

The Stellar Gateway has the power to transcend all dimensional boundaries of time and space. Its job is to provide us with frequencies that extend way beyond our current physical capacity. It’s capable of accepting light from a 9th dimensional source and toning it down to a level that is comfortable for us.

The 5th dimensional expanded Stellar Gateway chakra is a beautiful golden-orange color when first anchored and activated and it’s overseen by the Lord of Light, Archangel Metatron. Metatron is the creator of all known light in our universe.

During the early stages of our ascension journey he carefully pours light into this chakra to nurture our expansion. When the process is anchored, he stands back to allow us to expand at a rate that is in harmony with our soul mission.

The Stellar Gateway expands rapidly in the second stage of our ascension process. Many souls are currently at this level. The golden-orange color takes a brighter hue at this stage, as it’s filled with the higher frequencies of Christ Consciousness and the chakra constantly changes shape.

Depending on our individual dynamism, it will form intricate sacred geometric shapes to magnetize the correct energies to the light body. These energies are always linked to the star or planetary system which our soul originates from. This ensures that the highest level of support is provided for us while we are on Earth.

Our soul may consciously send out requests for light and information, and our stellar gateway chakra will fulfill these requests. It also independently seeks out cosmic information for our soul growth. It’s drawn to all sources of pure light in the vast reaches of space. This helps to draw new experiences to us for our learning process here on Earth.

When working like this, it forms a bright golden chalice with beautiful golden threads of light spreading up from it up through the dimensions of time and space. This is why it is such an amazing spectacle to witness from the higher realms.

Since the Cosmic Moment in 2012, the Stellar Gateway has been responsible for receiving the first waves of light accessible to us from the Great Central Sun. This ninth-dimensional spiritual Sun is the source of light that feeds our own physical star.

Our Sun, which is clearly felt and seen here on Earth, has a much greater function than to provide us with light and heat. It physically steps down this ninth-dimensional light to a level with which the Earth can cope, acting as a transformer for the higher light codes as they are distributed constantly to us.

The Stellar Gateway is particularly linked to Mars and its ascended aspect, Nigellay. This planet or crescent radiates the light of the peaceful spiritual leader and its influence also helps to reflect and amplify the light.

In addition, our personal Stellar Gateway chakras are connected to the planetary Stellar Gateway chakra in the Arctic. This planetary portal rises in frequency to match the energy fields of Earth. When they rise in frequency, we do too. Only now are we truly seeing how deeply connected we really are to our planet.


During the Golden Era of Atlantis, the advanced capabilities of the Stellar Gateway chakra allowed the High Priests and Priestesses to communicate with the councils of other star systems. During deep meditation, the Alta would consult with these beings of light, and as a result, the healing and advanced technologies of countless star beings were downloaded into their stellar gateway chakra.

They in turn passed it to the Magi for onward transmission to their temple priests, who lovingly turned it into physical information to help the people, and advance their civilization to the higher 5th dimension.

During the entire period of Atlantis, extraterrestrial and inter-dimensional civilizations came to visit Earth. Since that era, they have been sending their light and love to use from their distant planes. They do this through the energy fields of those who are open and ready.

The blueprint of all this incredible knowledge is stored within the higher aspects of all 12th chakras on Earth. It will be released when we are ready to utilize it again.

Visualization to Expand Your Stellar Gateway

1. Prepare for meditation. Find a sacred space and light a candle if you wish.

2. Relax and focus on your breathing.

3. Call on the ninth-dimensional Gold Ray of Christ to fill your four bodies and seal your sacred space. Breathe this energy into every cell of your being.

4. Bring your attention to your Stellar Gateway chakra 45cm (18in) above the top of your head.

5. See it glowing bright radiant gold and ask it to form a shape that reflects your soul essence.

6. Relax and allow your Stellar Gateway to take any shape that it wishes.

7. Ask it to call in the highest frequencies of light to you. These may come from any source in the universe, so be open to any information that may be presented.

8. See golden filaments of pure light spreading from your Stellar Gateway to connect with a source of higher light.

9. When you are connected, allow this light to flood down through the filaments into your chakra to expand it to the highest level possible.

10. Allow this light to flood down from your Stellar Gateway into the rest of your body and chakra system. See it moving down through your soul star, causal, crown, third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, navel, sacral, base and finally your Earth Star.

11. Allow this light to ground via your Earth Star into the heart of Gaia and the planetary matrix.

12. Sense and feel the vibration of this gift to you and Mother Earth.

13. Be ready to start receiving higher levels of ascension information.

14. Open your eyes and glow with cosmic mastery.

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