1- In the matrix they have you believe that everything dark is bad and everything light is good.
We create reality base on our state of being. Our state of being is our current consciousness level , what we think and what we feel.
The moment that we think everything dark is bad, we neglect our shadow side. In phycological terms, your shadow is being born in your childhood due to your relationship with your caretakers. This shadow, this dark side of us, is part of us and creates reality unconsciously through us, because those programs of the matrix, for example fear of abandonment , victim mentality, fear of the unknown, fear of money (money is evil) fear of rejection , fear of illnesses, , fear of death. So this is how they control us. At the same time there is one more trap . The trap to always focus on being positive focus on light, peace and love. There is a problem here, we still neglecting our shadow side we are still not embracing all the parts of who we are, that means we will unconsciously create suffering ,struggle depression , drama ,stress , toxicity in our lives. This is a very huge trap. We have to realize that not everything LIGHT is good, and not everything DARK is bad. This is how the matrix controls us. It made us believe that everything light is good and everything dark is bad (while at the same time we have been programmed since the moment of our birth.)
That's why there is a huge Neurotic behavior out there in the world , At its root, a neurotic behavior is an automatic, unconscious effort to manage deep anxiety. The human being is afraid of the dark . They taught you to be afraid of the dark. As a result the human being unconsciously running from itself, this is happening to 90% of the people. As a result you see all that chaos out there in the world.
You have to face everything that you are afraid of, all the answers and your power lies down in the rabbit hole , all you have to do is to have the courage to embrace your darkness. The darkness is within you , it is part of you. The darkness you see out there is YOU! It's part of you. As within so without, the world out there is nothing more than your internal condition! You can't see and comprehend more or less than you are. Don't be afraid of the darkness embrace it, learn from it and shine in the light of awareness the unconditional love of your soul, fuse it with the light of your consciousness and become whole !!! This is called shadow work!!! The hardest the most challenging part of the inner work and at the same time the greatest act of self love towards yourself!
2- Linear time. Linear time is a huge prison of the mind that moves you out of the present moment and out of the flow state with the universe. Linear time is necessary for the matrix to run. That means that everything seems to be in order, the world seems to be in order. Everybody goes to their jobs ,they have their jobs the produce something for the society etc etc... The problem is that you are put like a mouse on a treadmill, you are running , you are running... but you don't know where you are going. Most people are in jobs they hate for the shake of survival. These jobs are their comforts zones, they get their paycheck their ego gives them the illusion that they are safe, while at the same time they are bored ,they don't love what they are doing , they sometimes are depressed , disconnected they are so far away from the present moment , and they always wanna escape their life that they created. The truth of the matter is that their heart is telling them you should do this you should do that.... But it's the unknown and they are too scared to go to the unknown because there is nothing guaranteed there. As I described in the number one ,they are afraid because they didn't embrace their shadow side. So they get stacked into those dead zones where every day they get drained they become desensitized and they are disconnecting more and more from their selves.
Everything seems to be in order , but in reality this order is an illusion. The system forces you to be at that 8 hours in that environment, that locks you into a prison.
The flow of the universe lies in the present moment. THIS IS THE REAL ORDER !The perfect path of this life is when you get in that flow. If I could describe this , it would be something like: Following your heart impulses in complete trust, detached from everything, connected with everything , in a place between discipline and surrender in the present moment where PAST , PRESENT , AND FUTURE are happening at the SAME time in the eternal NOW! In Simple words the concept of linear time is a prison of the mind that locks you in the past projecting conditions of cause and effect (if this happens, then that), to the past or to the future, creating the illusion of infinite choices that no matter which you pick, you are in the prison of your past that your mind is programmed to create it (since the moment of your birth , through your shadow side that you are afraid to look at).
By following your heart and getting in the present moment , by doing the things you love which are streams that flow you into the present moment (where past present and future are happening at the same time) you now have a direction at life that will eventually when you are ready and you get the lessons the soul lessons when your brain evolves when you finally become a vibrational match your purpose will be revealed. This can never be done through the concept of linear time. When you are in your purpose, you have transcended time in general. My purpose which is much bigger than me , revealed to me after my spiritual awakening (11/11/2019), when I was experiencing the 5th dimension in super high vibrations.
Your purpose will light up your whole entire LIFE!
Everything is energy, everything is frequency ,everything is vibration.
We need to learn the language of energy and develop our third eye, until the pineal gland gets activated. Only then we can see through the bs of the matrix, through all the lies and the reverse programming! Everything is reversed Everything that we learned through the system is a big fat lie and we must get rid of it from our brains so we can live our greatest life !
3-The number 3 is that we have been programmed to judge and to get lost out there , to believe that we are victims of this reality, that this life is happening to us, that we are survivors that we are weak that we have no power. The victim mentality is one of the biggest and most disastrous programs of the matrix.
The fastest way to lose our alignment is to focus on the external world
So we never had the knowledge of how we create reality which I describe in this video:
And we were programmed to not only think that the life is happening to us, but also to judge and sending negative energy to our creations, creating attachments that drain the soul and the energy out of us. At the same time we don't take any responsibility of our thoughts and emotions. The truth of the matter is that We are powerful co-creators of the reality. Who do we create with? With the universe. When I am talking about the universe I don't mean what we see in the physical world, the planets earth space black wholes etc , etc... I am talking about the energy that has consciousness and gives order in this physical reality. I am talking about the Light , but not photons, I am talking about the light that exist as higher frequency in the quantum field as infinite possibilities which those possibilities are electromagnetic potentials
The faster way to get back in alignment is to focus in our internal world. All the power is within you, It has always been you through this. You have to take complete responsibility of the thoughts and emotions within you. When someone in your reality triggers you and you become angry, jealous, you have guilt etc etc... It's not the other person! It's something that has been put inside your mind since the moment of your birth in the first 8-9 years of your life. You create the anger, you create the jealousy, you create the guilt. The moment you come to this realization , you will have enough awareness to get out of this trap! The key is to stop judging (which is super hard since it's a deep program in you and in everyone around you). But judging negatively what you create will only make you create a life that is full of pain struggle , survival suffering , depression and disconnection. All we need is to become better observers! When you judge you read energy through thinking through the ego mind (which is flawed). In your higher nature where your 3rd eye is open, you observe without judgement! This is the highest form of intelligence! Your third eye is the maestro of the rest of the 5 senses, the key parts in your brain now have been awakened from the deep sleep, (the link is the activated third eye). Now when you observe something you don't see the external layer of the physical reality, you see the energy the quantum data. Now your third eye like a television turns that higher frequency(higher than photons) to something that your brain can comprehend and at the same time the para - sympathetic nervous system translates that quantum data to each cell of your body including the brain . In simple words you are not in the old model. You don't read energy by thinking through the ego ( which is programmed by the matrix) (judging). You are now reading energy with feeling. This is the highest form of intelligence. Observation without judgment! That begins from within you first. You have to get in the present moment ! To become no-one , no-thing , no-time to discover this super power that lies within you!