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Writer's picture: foly123foly123

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1.The key tells us that earthman will be able to see and understand the appearance and morphology of higher spiritual intelligences who come from higher dimensions and are called "whole light beings." (They are not to be confused with non-human space intelligence from other physical worlds.)

2. These cosmological orders of higher intelligence will explain the beginnings of life on Earth, and the development of intelligence and technical civilizations among distant galactic communities. These intelligences can assume any physical form necessary to operate in any given time-space sequence. In our consciousness time zone, they can appear in space vehicles creating pyramidal patterns of light in the sky. The onlooker will often see one of those expressions as three space vehicles flying in triangular formation.

3 These vehicles operate as "Wheels-within-Wheels,'' whereby one inner wheel of technology is surrounded by an outer wheel having energy portals.

4 The inner wheel becomes an inner pyramid when entering various realms of space habitation. And this pyramid, by changing its faces into any color spectrum, is capable of screening different forms of intelligence for specie identification and communication. The color screening of various realms is necessary because each specie is organized on different rays of Light.

5 The color cap is also added over the vehicle's geometries for a greater multiplexity of function, such as to bring out the magnetic features that have to be crossed when the vehicle is interacting with different spectrums of intelligence. For the higher Intelligence to cross our light threshold, it must cross over a multitude of Magnetic thresholds. This is done by sending out different levels of light to measure, by different color sets, the volume, depth, and space of a given magnetic field that the vehicle crosses.

6 And in order to establish communication, it is necessary that these Merkabah vehicles of Light use pyramidal color caps to adapt their energies to whatever radiation of color their vehicle is traveling through.

7 For example, when the blue-white pyramids of the higher frequency interface with light domains of singular sun systems (in the main sequence phase), one order of chemical Intelligence is able to relate to another by changing its color cap of spectrum light conversion even within three- dimensional reality.

8 In addition, the entrance and exit points of gravitational fields also have specific color codes and narrow charm resonances which must be used if the vehicle is to tunnel through abrupt discontinuities which could cause danger or damage.

9 Through the alternating gravitational fields a whole standing wave is created by multiple nodal points each expressing a different color cap. These additional color caps allow Merkabah to establish a "covenant of Light" with many realms of intelligence that may be sharing the same life space but existing on different levels of a given star field.

10 Therefore, the minds of the Brotherhood within the vehicle change the central conic section which, in turn, changes the whole structure of the vehicle enabling it to shift directly into a new planetary life sphere as it crosses into new light zones.

11 Furthermore, the Higher Intelligence is capable of placing a color cap over a species' radiation and recode that species' radiation and knowledge index into a form synchronous with the majority of specie forms identified with the vehicle's program. This is done to allow for a sharing and cooperative mapping of individual evolutions

12 The key explains how wheels of technology, modulated by thought waves from Son universes, can visit the outer limits of our galaxy and communicate through "Faces of Pyramids." These are not three-dimensional geometries of Inanimate matter but multi- dimensional pyramidal combinations which form the inner wheel of the Merkabah vehicle.

13 These multi-dimensional pyramidal combinations Include what Enoch calls triangular bipyramids which are pyramids connecting at the base line so as to revolve as a sphere.

14 Their purpose is to connect one planetary realm with other planetary realms in the same "consciousness time cell." For example, they are capable of sharing two different density realms simultaneously so that speciehood from one density can be transferred into a different density level.

15 Furthermore, the triangular bipyramids control the negative mass which provides a mechanism for the direct interaction among different levels of organized matter fields in our local universe. They are capable of controlling the space-time singularities that are located within miniwhiteholes and miniblackholes everywhere in our local universe which allow them to move from the exterior of three- dimensional universes to the interior of hyperspace universes and vice versa.

16 But bipyramids are limited to the frequencies that surround the lower planetary systems and therefore are not able to work with more than two categories of intelligence simultaneously.

17 Therefore, the bipyramids are used to administer the Cosmic Law to the lower heavens and yet they are limited in their navigation.

18 The blpyramids do allow evolutionary creation to connect with the next ordering of evolution enabling one life system to move directly into the next "stepping stone ' in the greater evolution.

19 Therefore, the triangular bipyramid is one of the forms expressing the Merkabah. It nurtures god level growth to god level-1 status among the planetary intelligences on the outer edges of their respective galaxies which are biological testing zones.

20 Next on the order of expressing the Merkabah intelligence are the tripyramids which are pyramids that connect at a central capstone so as to fuse pyramidal structures tnto one energy manifold.

21 The tripyramid is able to span _several_ levels of energy and operate in several co-existing time dimensions, not being limited to a singular super-plane (i.e., event horizon).

22 The tripyramids are used to stabilize the prime infinitesimal kinetic units so that proper movements can be made between units of kinetic mass into a triplet of mass-energy interactions. Here the tripyramids allow for the reprocessing and balancing of energy going to and from kinetic energy.

23 Thus, the tripyramids work through the distribution cells of the kinet~c energy momenta in all mass-energy. Kinetic energy is con stantly transferable by their mechanisms of interchange.

24 However, throughout infinite space and tlme, new kinetic energy is continually being created and conserved by the tripyramids. They must interface momenta units in order to allow intelligence to use one particular type of energy source to go from one or several levels of one consciousness body of time directly into other time zones.

25 This allows vehicle intelligence to leave its galaxy and to travel to other galaxies in its Father universe carrying out the will of the Councils of Light.

26 In order to be in harmony with the Cosmic Law when this travel occurs between universes, all laws of motion created or used by the tripyramids must be universally and perpetually valid for all velocities.

27 All scales of intelligence in all frames of matter-energy starting from the prime infinitesimal particles, next to zero mass, and work- ing up to the largest systems of masses, are affected by the tripyramidal Merkabah. It moves through the heavens by using a synchrosimilarity to reach many levels of intelligence, with the message of change and deliverance, coordinating Higher Evolutionary technology.

28 Thus, the Merkabah vehicle that carries tripyramids is used only by the Lords of Light to advance civilizations and to form new galactic federations.

29 They are able to collectively advance, at the end of a given cycle of creation, independent levels of living intelligence that occupy the same life space yet live in different electromagnetic spectrums. This advancement is unique because it allows the various levels of intelligence to be coordinated together for the first time allowing them all to see that their different levels of civilizations are linked "physically" and consciously together as a unified intelligence.

30 Within the tripyramid three bodies of Light are seen; these bodies are individually distinct, and perform individual assignments as to: the giving of the Law; the measuring of the planetary intelligence so as to determine how much of the Law shall be dispensed; and, the calculation of "the age" of the planetary life system of where the specie is in its track of evolution, in terms of the complete age of the planetary life system.

31 Furthermore, the three beings are unified by virtue of a Light sphere which is placed around their bodies allowing them to operate in different density levels, yet participating in an interchange of bodies. They can navigate in widely varying densities of creation where several life systems of intelligence are helped simultaneously.

32 The three beings are part of a great Brotherhood of intelligence that travels between the galaxies educating the lower worlds as to the true nature of the Infinite Way.

33 These beings represent the coordination of the Galactic Commands of Michael, Metatron, and Melchizedek. These bodies come together as a unit to form a governing Pyramid of Knowledge.

34 The vehicle, by changing its color capstone and matching a new color spectrum with a given hyperspace, can overlap one galactic dimension with another without having to travel along a singular dimension taking thousands of light years just to travel from one galaxy to another.

35 In summary, the triangular bipyramid and tripyramid are essential parts of a giant brain network, for they are working with several space thresholds and have the capacity of universal communications and reprogramming for multiple dimensions of intelligence

36 Furthermore, in order to

work with the "giant brain," the outer wheel of the matter-energy Merkabah contains "ten energy" spokes. These control the environmental field into which planetary beings are taken as they pass through the magnetic null and are brought to their next ordering of specie mapping.

37 The environmental field is like a gravity compression zone in which magnetic and non-magnetic vibrations can be altered while the vital life forces are maintained.

38 In the lower planetary dimensions where a physical manifestation for the initiate is the only reality link with other intelligence, the matter-energy beings within these vehicles create the function of transvirulence to energize the body of the initiate and biolocate his body into the vehicle's environment through the energy portals where the subject is provided with knowledge to serve his reality link.

39 Those from this planet who will proceed to other star evolutions will mostly be taken through bipyramidal and tripyramidal manifestations of the Merkabah of Light. However, since this is the completion of a grand cycle of evolutionary change, the Higher Evolution which uses the tri- pyramid has the final say as to the arrangement of how bipyramidal and tripyramidal intelligence cooperate in space.

40 The bipyramids and tri- pyramids are the keys to future cosmological forms that are able to bridge the different galactic societies. They should not, however, be seen as the "be-all" or "end-all," rather they are the essential facings for the unfoldment of Higher Evolutionary technology with planetary societies.

41 And where a pyramidal life zone of light is established along a given energy meridian of a planet by the teachers of the Christ Race

- there bipyramids and tri- pyramids of light intersect by means of coordinating grids permitting vast matter-energy technology from other interplanetary levels to land on the planet's surface.

42 Therefore, the overall configuration of the Merkabah vehicle, in conjunction with the energy meridians of a planet, can create a time warp coordination for other vehicles to enter into the human electromagnetic field and rest upon the face of the Earth.

43 In other words, the creation of time warps by the Merkabah vehicle, allows other vehicles used by the Brotherhood of Light, called spectrum vehicles, to cross the human light-life spectrum and encode their intelligence into any spectrum embodiment of light in the lower worlds.

44 However, before other vehicles can enter, the Merkabah must first come into our light-life zone through rotational circumversion, a process of separating the magnetic structure of our electromag- netic field, and create an artificial time warp.

45 The artificial time warp is a respatialization of the core relationship within the nucleus of the atom which is made up of three spatial fields that intersect and synthesize with three incoming conic sections of Merkabah light. The light of the incoming sections is called Orium, and the respatializing of the core nucleus is accomplished by matter waves of Light which uniquely combine μ mesons, k mesons, etc. These particles are anchored together - not by chance - but with unit entities that predominate towards coupling actions.

46 Through the spatial openings caused by the discharges in the core nucleus, the Merkabah occupies our light-life zone while not being of the same light.

47 Thus, the Merkabah vehicles of Light descend upon our planet, whereby a field of 11ght is opened and "whole light beings" descend as the Magnetic fields of the space-time overlap are controlled.

48 These "whole light bodies" come down through the artificial time warp zones and land upon the face of the Earth. And this is what the ancients beheld when they saw "the pillar of the cloud go up from before their face."

49 And Merkabah will continue to witness until we of the earth are reprogrammed according to the glories of the Father's Throne. For the Father's Throne has and will continue to govern new programs of glory during all stages of our soul advancement throughout the heavens,

50 This is a constant program within the Light continuum bringing systems and sub-thresholds to-gether into new variegated patterns and placing them on greater spirals so as to achieve new life combina- tions on an infinite scale.

51 Here in this artificial time warp zone, in the greater body of transparency, the impregnation of new realms of time-space are brought forth into the chemistry of the specie.

52 This can cause the bodies of the specie being probed to adjust themselves to a new physical form. This impregnation into the biochemistry of the given specie proceeds through vibrations of chromodensity.

53 The chromodensity is controlled by the Merkabah projecting its energy into the meridians of the planet marked by Urim-Thummim deposits. These deposits make up the equivalent of twelve pulsating crystals, some of which are of the vibrations of alexandrite, amethyst, sapphire, etc. The activation of these crystals by the Merkabah creates a proton spin coupling so that our body becomes sensitized to their Light and can be remade into a more perfect form cell by cell.

54 Hence, in these movements of time, forward and reverser from the Alpha-Omega consiousness time zone of one age through the throne and dominions of new Alpha-Omega ages, fields of the Father's Love are exchanged; "whole light beings" physically materialize on planets; and planetary beings of physical form ascend through the "Tabernacle of Testimony" into other life realms.

55 This changing of a species' distribution capacities and the varying parameters of its objective reality takes place through what the Higher Evolution calls a space-time overlap.

56 After the "whole light beings" physically materialize on planets, they are able to return to their original energy form because their pyramidal modes of creative activity have already been established on their original frequency of light.

57 Therefore, in this key we are told how the Ophanim, the messengers of Light, come through spirals of advanced orders of intelligence on a scale of what we call the fifth dimension on up (to the twenty-fourth dimension) of our Son universe.

58 Through an energy "wheel-within-a-wheel," bipyr- amids and tripyramids create spiral openings and through rotational circumversion open up time warp zones by pyramidal geometries which encode bipyramid and tripyramid coordinates within our level of creation. This is the creation of an artificial time warp zone.

59 The messengers of Light have the ability to create an artificial time warp zone to liberate man, even in his physical flesh, from being trapped in his black and white spirals of energy. But man without his own spiritual consciousness body will only re- turn to incarnate again and again as a sub-Adamic intelligence.

60 Therefore, the Higher Evolution comes first to awaken and raise the consciousness of the specie by very intricate maneuvers and regenerate intelligence by placing a higher color coding around a given specie.

61 Oftentimes this is done by giving a very elaborate system of star keys and through these star keys or messages various levels of specie creation can be holistically remapped.

62 The star keys given in the past are timepieces deposited within the Earth's energy fields to enable succeeding generations of the Earth's inhabitants to discover how their consciousness can be influenced by these timepieces and connect to an Infinite Way.

63 The timepieces set up in basin areas, in the mountains, or beneath oceans indicate where the vehicle "wheels-within-wheels" have operated on the earth plane to explore and program molecular forms of creation. During the process of activating these magnetic timepieces of civilizations, the pyramidal vehicles of Light will once again come down as the cap- stone to complete the pyramid.

64 Hence, at our stage of breaking with earthbound consciousness the vehicle becomes the central point of activity for it illustrates the evolutionary model that can transfer scientific communities from planet to planet.

65 In summary, the Merkabah shows Man how to use a universal language of multi-level instruction through its intricate maneuvers and the star keys which they leave behind. Their language is a language of Light which communicates to any creation through light graphics and pulsations. Through this language Man acquires an understanding of the levels of higher intelligence.

66 Oftentimes, this is accomplished by beaming a message across the vehicle so that as the pyramidal control starts to spin, all four faces of consciousness mapping can be seen at the same time - as in the experience of Yehezqel (Ezekiel). When all four faces of the vehicle are seen together one understands the complete program of the star


67 The face of the Bull, as it is seen in the scriptures of Yehezqel represents Taurus-Orion which in ancient astronomy gives the origin of the Merkabah vehicle as coming from Orion.

68 The Lion face shows the probe of our sun system by the Merkabah vehicle; in the higher evolutionary astronomy a Lion- Solar face represents a Population I system on the edge of a greater central sun.

69 The Eagle face, in terms of the ancient scroll, tells, us that the probe is exploring our galaxy and represents, by its outstretched wings, the enormous spiral arms of an Sb* or Sc series galaxy.

70 Another face will have the "appearance of Man" but does not constitute "the substance" of an earthling. The face in the likeness of Man shows the overlap carried from higher evolutionary creation to the human evolutionary creation.

71 So all four faces come together giving the similitude needed to coordinate the specie to go from the image of its dragon-like entropy to the image of positive centropy, the 'Dove,' as creation fully manifested and redeemed.

72 In the image and the language of the 'Dove' we find revealed the mystery of mutual programming. The Dove descends on top of the pyramid of creation when the intelligence of a given creation is ready to go through its pyramidal life zone.

73 The Dove gives to the pyramid the Eye of Horus which is used to remake the pyramid program of Man into the design of the Father by connecting the Eye of Horns with the Eternal Eye of God.

74 The Eye of Horus sends out radiations of Light as the gateway to new dimensions through which Man ascends. The center of the Eye is a "whitehole" of the plus and minus rotations of force fields turned over by circumversion. Out of the "whitehole" comes the white 'Yod," the cosmic flame used to create new spectrums of light and alphabets of creation.

75 Until the Eye of Horus arrives, the consciousness of the Adam is trapped within the karmic spirals of the planispheres as a wheel of time. As long as the consciousness body of the Adam re- mains exclusively within the karmic cycle his spiritual body cannot take his physical body into other galactic environments.

76 Karmic release can only come when the Father is petitioned to allow the wheel of time to attach itself to a wheel of Light, and through this interpenetration of one creative cycle to another, two conic sections or two cones of Light synchronize each other, and the Star of David is formed.

77 The Higher Intelligence can and will select the physical beings who will continue to go on to other planetary worlds where physical bodies are required. But those physicals who will be taken in these Merkabah vehicles will have loved and served their fellowman and will love whatever specie the Father would assign them to.

78 Most physicals continuing in the purified physical form will be used to seed life after their own kind so as to nurture respect for the 'Adamic image' on other physical planes. Others will be advanced to higher vibratory forms corresponding to their level of soul growth.

79 Greater knowledge will be given to those physical energies on the face of a planet or star field which most resemble the energies of the Ophanim.

80 Knowledge will be given to those who serve the living Man upon the face of the new earth worlds just as the Ophanim serve the greater Son universes.

81 Man will understand why the verity of the lower heavens re quires the Merkabah to pick up communications only from 'a son or a daughter of Light' with corresponding vibrations.

82 As the newest member of the hierarchy of the Ophanim, Man will use the salutations of an extended hand vibrating the star codes of 'The Throne', greeting the angelic Commanders and the Brotherhoods with "Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai 'Tsebayoth!"

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