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Exodus III

Writer: foly123foly123

Updated: 2 days ago


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1 The key explains how Messianic forces travel from universe to universe through given electromagnetic sinks, or points of gravitational collapse. Communication with other worlds that are moving faster than light can also be received through these points by using matter and muon waves.

2 In the context of the key we are to understand two major functions: (1) matter waves have the ability to move faster than light, and (2) muon waves* are the falling particles of light as they fall from one geometry of creation to another.

3 Metatron emphasized the use of matter and muon waves to move the spectrum vehicles of the physical brotherhoods through the spheres of influence of the electromagnetic sinks, enabling them to code their technology into physical universes at will. More specifically, matter and muon waves are first used by the Brothers of Light to measure the proportions of an electromagnetic sink, as well as parallel electromagnetic fields that exist between electromagnetic sinks. (In this process, they measure the proportions by calculating complex movements pertaining to the sink.)

('Muon waves are predicated at eight times the length of matter waves in our consciousness time zone)

4 By forming a grid of measurement on the basis of the statistics of matter and muon wave interference, they can determine at what points their vehicle will span a given electromagnetic sink.

5 As the spectrum vehicles span electromagnetic sinks, they reveal multi-gravitational sets. These sets are used as the master field for projecting vibrations of thought patterns into specific harmonies. Sometimes even the total mass energy of the spectrum vehicle is circulated for physical materialization in another spectrum.

6 Hence, the matter-muon wave coupling allows for man to experience fifth-dimensional realities by opening up the conic section from which he is normally excluded.

7 By going through the light cone, one experiences the mystery of all surrounding light cones connected with hyper-dimensional space. (Note: The mechanisms of the living cell are coded into the cone.) These light cones form a circular field while retaining their specific singularities which can be exchanged by tumbling over into a new domain.

8 Therefore, the synchronization of our light cone with the other light cones of surrounding space and time uses particles to transfer physical mass from one light cone to another. With this ability to move through space and time anomalies, the Brotherhoods can select any given corridor from the sink for vehicle movement.

9 Hence, on a galactic scale of events matter-muon wave coupling allows higher evolutionary thought-forms or even physical mass to occupy any of an infinite number of universes with multiple variations.

10 Flight time between conic sections varies with the biological or matter-energy tolerance in flowing from energy span to energy span. Here all prime infinitesimal units of mass energy particles can be formed from "no mass" infinite motions, which offer the resistance to a change, to another motion.

11 And in travel through electromagnetic sinks, the intrinsic resistance in the change to another kinetic motion gives the impression of inertia or mass to the surrounding energy field of the spectrum vehicle. The impression of inertia is due to the powerful spans of energy that must be crossed within seconds of flight.

12 In order to overcome high frequency resistance levels, it is necessary to go beyond compound matter-energy "bondings" which are contained within electromagnetic "skins" and are impenetrable by the lower physical intelligence.

13 The matter-muon combination is also used to control universal zero-point vibrations which ac- counts for the pattern of the molecular force. This universal zero-point (where the cones come together) is a point of original attachment to other universal systems through which creation takes place.

Secondary systems of physical creation must acknowledge the universal zero-point as the origin of galactic matter in the same way a child acknowledges the cord of his mother's womb out of which he is extended.

14 Thus, within a central galactic point of gravitational collapse, the breakup of the light particles is used to coordinate emerging patterns which give shape to the new order of evolutionary creation.

15 In addition, the matter-muon wave combination is important in the acceleration of cosmic rays and other particles. In the hands of the Brotherhood, the matter-muon wave combination prevents mutually destructive wave-rotations between bodies of gravitational attraction which would yield a composite of wave-rotations leading to the collapse of a given ether.

16 In this process, neutrino, omega, and proton grids are constructed to control the elastic scattering effects that take place while old vectors collapse and new vectors are constructed.

17 The matter and muon coupling (specter-spectra) coordinates these energy grids and simultaneously allows for specie development on one planet to be extended to other levels of intelligence on special "grids of light," for all the regions of space being reconstructed.

18 The coupling also extends to consciousness particles known as Y ,ฮฅ and ฯ‰, w, which are combined in a unique way thus allowing the specie to participate in the energy modulation of life.

19 This reorganization, coordinated by matter and muon waves, also allows for special grids of measurement to arise which allow for the structuring of electromagnetic parallel energy fields to be adjusted and reorganized permitting species to travel from one zone of creation to another.

20 this is only done to planetary systems which threaten to destroy other specie forms of creation, as well as civilizations helplessly undergoing the death of their star system. Then, the "Whole Light Beings" come to help the specie if it chooses to take the higher spiral of light instead of the lower spiral of planetary decay and degeneration.

21 When you understand that the universal intelligence operates through the activation of thought-forms, you will understand that we are the materialization of projected universal thought-forms.

The ''Light beings" decide whether the resultant thought-forms can sufficiently use data and knowledge as consciousness fields to work with the universal consciousness, or whether the energy fields require the intervention of "material" technologies generated by the Brotherhood of Light.

22 Generally, the "Whole Light Beings" indirectly feed the information to rescue the specie in question so as not to violate surround-zones of consciousness development. Yet, at times there arise instances where mutual programming is necessary.

23 More specifically, on a physical level, the spectrum vehicles, under the command of the Councils of Light, locate a planetary population that has a negative in- flux of energy from destructive rotations and/or has a destroyed atmospheric cover so as to allow destructive rays to bombard the surface of the planet. Then, the Brotherhood by means of a holding position weaves a grid network of specter and spectra wave rotations so as to balance critical mass and allow for a harmonic to be established.

24 The holding position is maintained to keep out negative radiations from interfering with the organic evolution while the network is being woven.

25 The new network allows for a harmonic to be established in the balancing of critical mass.

26 This network is initially given an "inductive kick" by multiple magnetic fields controlled by the vehicles of the Brotherhood.

27 This multiple magnetic field which the Brotherhood uses is partly that of the vehicle and that which is found in the surrounding environment which is used to create a perpetual pulse.

28 This perpetual pulse creates a positive feedback where the matter and muon flow has been specifically applied; the inductive kick and matter-muon fields allow for the syntheses of energy fields that will create enough energy to sustain the original kick.

29 Then the specter-spectra-spectrum light force is projected directly into the planetary environment of the specie which is being balanced within the holding position while it is being freed from the "negative" influences which keep consciousness locked in space.

30 Hence, the specie such as man can then be opened to a new consciousness dimension whereby the electron implant is directly in conjunction with the wave-rotation generated by the vehicle.

31 Thus, the "Light Beings" come not only to raise the consciousness of individuals but, in some instances, the levels of collective humanity. This entire collective consciousness is brought into new quantum numerical ranges by a new cosmological constant. Through these wave configurations, collective humanity can be received and delivered by "the brothers" into the higher universes through the constants of curvature which are opened.

32 While this transformation from one spectrum to another is taking place, the reprogramming vehicle of the Brotherhood uses a function known as the 'El Spectrum-Reciprocal' to counterbalance all energy spin-offs that would be disruptive to the new vectors.

33 The spectrum-reciprocal technique allows for the coordination of flight patterns of the vehicle by using pyramidal projections. These projections emanate in such a way as to penetrate the surface evolute where the locus of the intersection meets with each mobile sphere (containing polarized life-forces) in surrounding space. The technique involves the use of these pyramids of light to balance the gravity shells of the ether surrounding the planet.

34 The pyramidal emanations of light penetrate each gravity layer surrounding a planetary sphere because on each gravity layer there may exist different dimensional systems of intelligence and by bringing in a new energy field there arises the possibility of destroying both physical and ethereal levels of parallel intelligence if their gravity forces are disrupted.

35 Once the holding position is perfected, the "Whole Light Beings" are able to control the flux lines so perfectly that the vehicles can create their own energy corridors to appear on the surface of the earth. This creates a new energy zone of life, by means of a "pillar of light" transport, to deliver man through the vehicles without disrupting the planetary gravity forces.

36 When the function of light is freed from its cubic restriction of matter, the A-line and B-line grids of development are freed to reformulate the triangular coordinates of the pyramidal functions of light geometries on the next orbital level of the universal mind to sustain the development of life.

37 Thus, the vehicle alters the biogravitational field of a living organism and "replaces" the former time-space of consciousness observation. The Brotherhood of Light leaves behind the reformulated model for another period of planetary development.

38 The refocusing of the totality is through Merkabah which transforms space-time matter; space and time being within the consciousness of the specie, and matter being a consequence of vibratory energy which is projected as the sustaining frequency of the image pattern. A unit of space-time matter transcends to a new level of creativity through a "muload" (quantized matter transported in space-time) of matter-muon waves.

39 The materialization of Light moving into new electromagnetic space and time can refocus the totality of the former energy into a new orbital field.

40.The matter-muon combination plays a very important role in the adjustments of the final grid the consciousness control grid in step with the light zone - in the final phase of transportation to a new galactic region.

41 This role is to prevent the interference of negative consciousness particles from other light zones that are adjacent to a primary light zone that is being regenerated. Unlike particles in the physical form, these particles work through hyper-dimensional space and must be screened by the matter-muon wave grid lest the specie lose its mental and spiritual capacity during the shifts into new consciousness regions.

42 Thus constantly changing thought-patterns of collective evolutionary intelligence must be screened within a Son universe by a central energy network. This network, using matter-muon waves, allows the appropriate thought-patterns to connect energy sub-components of one set with other sub-components in other light zones in the same universe.

43 The matter-muon wave coupling also allows for specter-spectra-spectrum projections of matter waves and gravity waves to come through atmospheric layers to the planet and impart paranormal gifts to the multitudes of the elect.

44 Since the spectrum vehicle works on a planetary scale, the exhibition of these paranormal abilities are not limited to the gifted few in the attendance of a spiritual teacher, but are freely bestowed to all those who will freely open their god-self in service to humanity and the Father.

45 After the matter-muon wave coupling is achieved through Metatronic physics of a consciousness implant, consciousness can reside in a new body no longer limited by the old material form.

46 However, matter and muon wave combinations allow for variability in experimental universes, using the "ciphers" of previous memory programs which must be "relearned" and integrated with the renewing process of the mind of each Creator God.

47 Unless we understand this consciousness creation in terms of other consciousness time zones, we remain in the weeping and gnashing of teeth in space isolation without the understanding that we are not alone!

48 Prepare your consciousness to recognize the appearance of 'whole Light beings" through the gifts of the Holy Spirit for they represent your counterparts in the greater creation.

49 "Whole Light Beings" appear to give testimony to the ongoing creative power of the people of God and specific changes that occur within evolutionary subsets of the Father's Kingdom.

50 The luminaries that come through electromagnetic sinks rejoice in the realization that we are being remade into the image of the Adam Kadmon. They tell us that we must take upon our physical body the thought-form body of Light which is free and in communion with the Masters of Light.

51 To speed up faster than "light", to slow down to the "common light" is to recognize there is no past-present-future in the face of the eternal Present.

52 It is in this that we acknowledge the perfect attunement of the "Whole Light Beings" connected with the heavenly voices - the sacred vibrations of the Torah Or. For through these vibrations the other singularities of space beyond our control have their harmony in the spectrum work of the Brotherhood which renews beginning and end of all which is in the Light.



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