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1 Beloved, I am calling your minds forward to the Eternal present;" - the Lord has sent his "messengers of Light" to reveal His angelic Hierarchy. And I would have you remember from the beginning of this cycle that the Lord God ordained angelic emissaries who are in accord with the Office of His Son, to teach these things to the planets: to Love the Father and to Love one's fellow spirit in all kingdoms of creation.
2 These angelic emissaries were ordained after the Order of His Son, in a manner that thereby, the people might know in what manner to look forward to His Son for redemption and migration to the next program of creation.
3 The energy codes held within the hands of the emissaries, who interpenetrate the universes, are the keys of "love-powered radiations" which sustain the Father's Thought-Forms as they intercommunicate between His Living universes.
4 From the Councils of Light, the "Whole Light Beings" as emissaries, carry the codes of limitless intercommunication between the living star universes as a field of intelligence serving the life forms of the Divine Face wherever they may be found.
5 All their codes of limitless intercommunication are keyed to go from (Tav) into (Jah) which is the synthesis of all of the Light emanations of the Holy Sephiroth giving divine instruction. Therefore, the future luminaries are those who wear the (Jah) upon their foreheads for they have gone through the (Tav) to recognize the end which has no end. 6 The emissaries give the codes to the meek and righteous of the earth who will plant their codes by compassion and love powered radiations. It is through the love- powered radiations that the seed can manifest not only here, but in the other worlds and cycles of the "Eternal Inheritance."
7 The divine seed, even expressed as Man, has been created to exist as a dynamic life force, to experience the many levels of Universal Godhood within the Father's Plan. Hence, it is through the multiplicity of the divine seed within the Father's Plan, that creation can evolve to experience levels of Elohistic divinity and co-reign with the Lords of Light.
8 In essence, this divine seed is the thought-form pattern used by spiritual intelligence to evolve a given soul progression of consciousness out of the infinite possibilities available.
9 And, thus, the emissaries have been called to this holy calling, to evolve the soul embodiments to greater levels of experience. They have been called on account of their faith active in love, while others could not discharge the divine seed from the limitations of the body and mind until it had finished its complete cycle of planetary experience.
10 Hence, the messenger Whole Light Beings who cultivate the divine seed and aid in the completion of its program of soul growth, are emissaries because they understand the mystery of undoing all the seals which were used to bind the soul between each expansion of the universe.
11 They who were not captured within 'limited envelopes of light' were thus prepared from the foundation of the world to assist with soul evolution. And being called by His Holy Calling into "communities of spirit," these messengers administer to the intelligences through hyperspace, teaching the levels of diverse intelligence to obey and carry forth all combinations of the Father's Commandments.
12 These angelic emissaries administer to the teachers in human form. Thus, through limitless inter- communication the Councils of the Brotherhoods, stationed upon the earth, are informed of the vast changes continually going on in the heavenly realms.
13 The Adamic Race within this galactic system originally had limitless intercommunication until the time of the Fall. From then on the planetary families of the Adamic Race, within our Father universe, were cut off from limitless intercommunication and were placed on an omega cycle of consciousness death.
14 The early attempts to regain limitless intercommunication resulted in the destruction of the Tower of Babel (which is one inverted code structure of Abba),
15 This is the reason the 'Program Israel' was given to open the vibrations of the human soul to the Sephirothic intermediaries who bring consciousness expansion so that Man can cry out "Abba, Father" as the Adam Kadmon Body of Christ demonstrated. And we pray "Our Father," for restitution must be made to our Father as the source of unity for the balances of all Son and Shekinah universes affected by the Fall.
16 This planet, as a result of the Lucifurian rebellion was placed in a state of retrogressive evolution, so that even the "Masters" who incarnate must pay the price of this karmic evolution by continually being conditioned to physical limitations and life in ignorance of the divine voice, until they are reconnected with their divine Overself as shown in the baptism of Jesus.
17 In general, the course of soul evolution in our Son universe is to serve and fulfill a specific program that has been predetermined in the Overself state.
18 However, the ultimate purpose is to be united or reunited with the Overself through many programs. The Overself, too, is evolving towards pure conscious- ness divinity.
19 The main assumption in "intercommunication" and compassion for the physicals in the lower worlds of rebellion is that the weights and measures of service decrease linearly with the original position at the beginning of a given program.
20 This means that if a Master embarks on an entropic-negative program (in service to or supervision of lower physical worlds), his incarnations are activated in progressive limitations because of the overall scale of retrogressive evolution which influences the soul (in the lower worlds of physical entropy), to be pulled back into repetitive rounds of existence.
21 However, through the work of the Overself Masters who serve the Office of the Christ, the continued state of the education of the soul and refinement of consciousness Light can overcome 'conditioned limitation' so that the soul can be creatively reunited with the Overself Continuum. At that point, the individual soul can override 'negative programming' through the ability to forge a new program with the 'Collective Overself,' or incarnate back into positive or negative planes of the lower physical worlds to assist other forms of limited consciousness.
22 The present state of soul evolution in our planetary field is that of ฯsp neg: [r>1, tan 0<0].
23 When the original position of 'On+1' in the progression of soul evolution can be corrected, at the end of a program (ฮฉ) the soul can be advanced into a new program (On+2) which can allow it to progress into the image of its divine Overself and eventual unity with the Adam Kadmon.
24 Thus, through the Office of the Christ this continued state of soul confusion and inability to con- nect with "limitless intercommunication" is recognized and compensated for by the human attunement to the spiritual intermediary of the Office of the Christ. The Office directs the spiritual intermediaries assigned to balance the communion between the physical self and the Overself within progressive states of degeneracy.
25 Therefore, the individual can override negative programming through help from the Office of the Christ which is in coordination with other Whole Light Beings.
26 In special circumstances, divine intervention allows Masters of Light to directly interconnect with a soul program and speed up the spiritual education of a soul that is needed in other programs of Light.
27 Unfortunately, the "negative drag" on this end of our local universe is so overwhelming that, in spite of all the thousands of Buddhas and "Christed Masters" piercing the planetary veil of soul evolution, it is still necessary for the Hierarchy to return and collectively externalize in order to take the righteous physicals with their soul vehicles off the planet through resurrection. They do this in order to prevent the soul from going back into imperfect spectrums of Omega.
28 This is why soul-Man as
Christ-Man must go beyond Alpha and Omega and why the planet is being resurrected at this time.
29 And, in order to help Man cross his Alpha-Omega threshold, the "Whole Light Beings" carry the equations for limitless intercommunication.
30 They work collectively to allow all spiritual intelligences to extend their consciousness activities throughout the entire spectrum, throughout all possible states of life, providing maintenance on all levels of education. Collectively, the "Whole Light Beings" make concerted plans towards resolving interrelationships between the various zones of consciousness in the Father universe.
31 They can recreate and direct a unified life system filled with a complex tapestry of interwoven affinities. As exemplaries of God's creative power, they manage not simply the economy of organic terrestrial nature, but a full cosmic economy for the benefit of the Father in the management of myriad levels of consciousness.
32 This explains why there is no absolute predestination, but rather soul preconditioning that allows for many unique combinations of soul evolution and physical evolution to occur in every growth cycle.
33 The collective prescriptions made by the many Orders of Light give a basic reading of how many units of Light are necessary to genetically reprogram the physical body to accept a higher soul evolution and resurrection into a new program of spiritual teaching.
34 Genetic reprogramming allows for the physiological processes to be aligned with a new "Logos Equation," which reapportions and recombines the Light for the continuation of revelatory power.
35 Man, when he is evolved into the Adam Kadmon, can go on to inherit any of the worlds of Light serving the Father. He is an intelligence destined to be more than flesh and blood. However, to go on to inherit the Whole Light bodies, Man must first be able to use this garment of light to serve his fellowman before he can go on to the many different planes within the Father's Hierarchy.
36 In essence, the Father's Hierarchy works through key emissaries of Light who have proven they can carry on the responsibilities of the Kingdom of Light. Among the numerous Orders of Whole Light Beings are found those who work on the "Right Hand Side" of the Father's Office of Administration in each Son universe.
37 The Order of the Malachim is one of the Orders of the Lords who supervise the programs of Sovereign Law pertaining to God-Man relationships in every
38 They attune the forces of angelic communication and open the books of God's Law to be read in the higher heavens as the Cosmic Law. They also reinstate the Law in the lower realms so that man understands why he is a spectrum that had fallen before this present program.
39 In our present cycle, the retransmission of the Law was given through Ezra and the "Men of Faith" the "Men of the Great Assembly," who were the "Watch- men" of the transmission codes of the Torah Or.
40 Another Order of Light is the Order of the Ishim, who assist man to go from the third dimension to the fifth dimension of spiritual growth. They come down into the integral formations of the inner Shekinah worlds to evolve mankind from the lowest molecular forms within the network of the Adamic body.
41 The Ishim help intelligence move through mental-entropy and body-entropy by showing how the soul can enter into envelopes of light moving between minus infinity and anti-infinity.
42 These energy envelopes exist in hypernumerical ranges beyond the simple mathematical functions of (โ-1) and (โ+1)
43 When the graduated soul exits the body, and is not assigned to return to the Overself body of a Master or Ascended Master, it can enter any number of energy embodiments, energy envelopes, it has prepared for, to work with one of the angelic hierarchies operating in the twenty-four dimensions of our Son universe.
44 I was shown how there are energy envelopes of light which float through space, carrying the codes for a given type of soul evolution that is seeded into a particular dimension. I later felt that only hypernumerical packages could account for the flexibility of these energy envelopes which work within the major twenty-four dimensions of our Son universe to control our soul evolution.
45 When the Shekinah elements of a graduate soul enter one of the envelope soul matrices, the other side of Occam's razor becomes effective (i.e., all possibilities will be tried, for multiple evolution is possible) and the soul evolves, with the help of the Ishim, according to the angelic matrix best suited to work with the programs of creation.
46 The Order of the Elim represents the sustainers of the vibrations of sonic energy used in the music of the spheres. The Elim translate the Father's messages into units of sound and color which are used for communication between the networks of the Hosts.
47 The music of the spheres continually weaves the fabric of creation with the thought-forms of the Father. Through the use of diminishing chord structures, the Elim reactivate sound patterns of creation from one sphere to another.
48 The Elim form a musical mandala and a spontaneous course through the musical universe by unifying the spiritual orders with harmonics on all sides of the Creator Spintus.
49 The Elim merge, pair, and synchronize sound chromatically, bringing together different sound and color factors which combine to express the highest modes of meditation. Their cacophony radiates a dimension of freedom from the bonds of human passion.
50 The Elim use spherical musical forms to inspire art, teachings and transformational activities in the realms of creation.
51 The Elim inspire:
the love of universal forces; the love of consciousness understanding; the love of atonement with God; the love of at-one-ment with
self; the love of spiritual knowledge; the love of spiritual Wisdom; the love of divine seed-
forms; the love of indwelling Shekinah gifts; and
the love of the Infinite Way of the Divine.
52 Through these transformational activities, the Elim show how the basic units of Omega are energy constants which spiral out of the center of zero sound and color into other consciousness time zones. The Elim also recycle the field orbits of color raveling, in each cycle of renewal, from consciousness time zone to conscious- ness time zone in a variety of colors.
53 The Order of the Hashmalim carry the standards of Justice and the Weights and Measures which judge even the angels. They are the judges of the spiritual planets. It is from their ranks that the Trinity Spirits are called to dispatch the original manifestation of the limitless knowledge, the Torah Or of the Ain Soph to the planetary realms of YHWH's Angelic Am- bassadors.
54 These are the weights and measures that allow terrestrial and celestial law to be synthesized for the establishment of interplanetary government.
55 Hence, the special work of the Hashmalim is to tie together the spiritual worlds with the worlds of physical form and to show that they are inseparable through the grids of Light manifestation.
56 The Hashmalim are unique in that they can connect the trinitized activities of the Three Great Triple Powers in the expansion of the innermost part of the Deity into new creation.
57 Each Triple Power reveals that portion of the Holy Trinity which is manifest in new creation. The Three Great Triple Powers, the basic blueprint for energy change, are the interface for the collective activities of the trinitization of matter-energy.
58 Another Order of Light is the Order of the Seraphim who are princely guardian intelligences, con- trolling the major pictographs monitoring the lower heavens. Through their multiple appearances, the Seraphim work with the external prototypes of conscious- ness creation, as well as govern the ranks of light intelligence not allocated to the deities.
59 Without receiving the baptism of seeing the Shekinah Light from the Seraphim, Man is not able to come out of this world, pass through the lower firmaments and see all the rulers and all lords and all gods and all the great invisibles of his local universe.
60 Their Command governs myriads of interplanetary governments of intelligence that are connected with specific consciousness zones.
61 The Seraphim open man's eyes to work with the "Government of the Higher Evolution." They structure the "Government of Light" which is necessary in the merger of different planetary worlds under a unified "Wisdom." This "Wisdom" is manifested from the Ancient of Days through the Father, revealed to the newborn creation as the Recent of Days.
62 Of all the Orders of the Host, the Seraphim have been chosen to manifest the "Government of Light" because they know how to associate the right "Wisdom" with the "right planets" in accordance with the Father's "Master Plan.''
63 In the beginning of the physical planes of our local universe, a portion of the Adamic race fell and became "the inheritors" of the "limited space of the Inheritance" outside the guardians of the galactic tree. There were others of the Sethian thrice-regenerated, the Enochian thrice-regenerated, and the Methusalian thrice-regenerated seed who were used to upgrade the intelligence of Man. These were the "First-Born" who were in the heavens prior to the creation of this world and who chose to be "Re- born" in the spiritual body upon the earth in order to help in regenerating man back into a body of Light so that he could return to the family of the heavens.
64 When this thrice-regenerated power was taken from the face of the earth, the Seraphim were commissioned to insure the continuation of the work of Seth, Enoch and Methuselah. Just as these three were taken into time translation, into the higher heavens,
65 the Seraphim lifted the ark of Noah and his seed into the heavens and then returned it safely to this planet so that the Kingdom of God could begin again.
66 Thus, the work of the Seraphim is to protect the Hokhmah, the Wisdom, and the holy seed, by summoning forth the proper ark, and seeing to the re-adaptation of life upon the land during all Noah-like deliverances where the intervention of higher intelligence is necessary.
67 The Order of the Erelim maintain the "Covenant of Light" between the Throne and centers of Higher Intelligence. They continually adjust the center of light with respect to the evolving orders of Higher Intelligence that must be periodically drawn to- gether as the worlds of physical form change with respect to new plans of creation.
68 They also judge the effectiveness of technology, monitoring and ordering civilizations that have not yet found their spiritual identity. It is from their ranks that the
Adjusters are chosen to determine the sequences necessary for the lower evolution and the Higher Evolution to meet and mutate as a joint spirited creation.
69 Through their consciousness controls they can rescue interdimensional physical intelligence that has accidentally materialized in the wrong time zone, in the wrong dimension of Light, etc. They res- cue intelligence through their powers of dematerialization penetrating the matter-energy veils of light.
70 The Ophanim are the messengers of Light from the higher heavens of the Father, uniquely placed at the crossroads of space, as the network for governing and implanting "new realization." When the prophets of the ancient civilizations made contact with the higher worlds, invariably the contact was made through the Ophanim messengers of Light. The Ophanim carefully select individuals in each of the planetary societies who have the ability of prophethood and carry the under- standing of the higher creation.
71 They supervise the crucial aspects of growth within the hierarchical ranks of the heavens and protect the higher teachings from falling into the hands of the lesser forces of Light, and from the rebellious brotherhoods, who do not serve the Father's Hierarchy of Light.
72 Therefore, the Ophanim guide the thought-forms from the Father's Thrones and Dominions into proper levels of instruction.
73 There is also a distinct aspect of the Ophanim's work which is synonymous with "Wheels- within-Wheels"-the appearance force of the Merkabah as it comes into physical manifestation. The Ophanim are closely identified with the Merkabah which is used to announce the Cosmic Law of YHWH and bring a scripture to the lower planetary worlds.
74 The Ophanim also make the Merkabah available to the other Orders of Higher Intelligence so as to carry out specific functions:
to guide men to the knowledge of the Infinite Way;
to minister to disembodied entities on the physical and spiritual planets; to protect man from belief systems which are inconsistent with the Love and Light of the Cosmic Law; to guard mankind from the extraterrestrial intelligences that would radically change the balance and flow design between kingdoms of creation; and to regenerate and resurrect the faithful remnant of a "seed creation" when the powers of Michael and Christ converge to bring one design of creation into the "new heavens" of YHWH.
75 There are several Orders of Ophanim extending from the Higher Evolutionary Orders to the Princely Ophanim who dispatch the Mid-Way programmers to gov- ern the lower heavens.
76 There are also special Orders of Ophanim who command the 'Deca-Delta' manifestations to target interplanetary grids. These are Ophanim who can work with the limitations on the edge of a Mansion World.
77 All Ophanim use the Light of Metatron and the Order of Melchizedek to refurbish the planetary worlds with the right type of Light, in transit from "Mansion World" to "Mansion World," through quantized spiritual evolution.
78 The Order of the Cherubim emissaries of Light is the angelic Order of higher intelligence which functions as the keeper of the celestial documents. They are also capable of appearing on the earth plane to direct the affairs of man. However, their primary function is to guard the Throne and Dominion passages of Light which connect the physical worlds with the governments of the Mid-Heavens. The Mid-Heavens are the lesser "Light manifestations" out of which the physical beings on the planetary worlds first learn to experience the Ineffable.
79 The purpose of the Cherubim is to create a wall of Light protection around the 'specific Plan' being used to connect worlds of generation and re- generation. They insure that the thought-forms of the Masters and Ascended Masters are "perfectly consistent" with the Father's Plan in perfecting the number of souls destined to share in a creative
80 In order to create the "walls of Light," the Cherubim must receive the Living Light from the Throne. The Living Light is taken by Uriel and Metatron and made available to the Cherubim Orders, in the alignment of new worlds through an energy trunk system which connects the "sparks" of the Father universe with the star systems which comprise the evolving Son universe.
81 Hence, through their creative activity, the Cherubim supervise the creative affinities between the worlds of Briah, the worlds of creation, from the worlds of Atn'oth the worlds of archetypal form. From this blueprint of "archetypal form," the Cherubim engineer new creations on different levels of Light.
82 The Order of the Cherubim uses the Living Light of the Father to connect the worlds of creation with the worlds of Light in the activity of the worlds of Yetzirah, the worlds of continuity and change within the Father's Continuum of Light. A new world receives its "Plan" from the Father's Continuum through a thought-form corpus of Living Light shells.
83 This transforming Light is spoken of in the scriptures of Ezra which proclaim:
84 "Thou, 0 Light, shinnest before the light of the morning upon thy creatures, And in thy heavenly dwelling places there is no need of any other light."
85 This speaks of the unbroken divine Light which comes down to the lowest form of creation, sup- porting even the lowest creatures, yet being still connected within the highest region of the heavens.
86 The soul without Light is helpless; only those souls who have awakened to a divine Plan and have sought the Love and Light of the Divine Mind are given the opportunity to connect with the Christed "fountain of Light" sent through the portals of creation to enlighten the worlds supervised by the Cherubim. Thus, the Messiah is sent to prepare a place of glory for his people who will see the tremendous energies of Light and Love given for the sanctification of life.
87 And, at the time of the glorification of creation, the Cherubim open the energy portals of creation so that intelligent life ascends beyond the violent, entropic fire into the proper chamber-of-Light within the Treasury of Light. They help the faithful change into the garments of Light that they will wear in new "Mansion worlds" of Light.
88 The Order of the B'nai Elohim are Sons of the Creator Gods who are commissioned to dispatch a share of the "Treasury of Light" for the Wisdom and education of souls. They are the creative instruments for the Elohim who commission the B'nai Elohistic programs so that the creations will continue into the greater light.
89 The B'nai Elohim work with the derivative systems of creation. They evolve the "lesser garments" of the Adam Kadmon that are not directly used by the Elohim in the creation of the physical intelligences that serve YHWH.
90 The B'nai Elohim make use of the "Eye of Horus" to create the garments of physical embodiment which the angelic beings of intelligence may choose from when they come into the lower Heavens to do the work of the Father.
91 Thus, the B'nai Elohim consolidate the work of the Elohim. They choose the "selected seed" which is transplanted from imperfect creation to the levels of the divine invisibles. Hence, they enlarge the spiritual gene pool for the eventual pairing of divine radiations into new specie creation.
92 The Order of the Elohim comprises the Creator Gods of YHWH who control the calibrations of Light that are necessary to evolve all of the combinations of the Image and Similitude through the divine Eye of the Father.
93 They govern the progeny of the "Image" and "Similitude" used by the Divine Father in the higher Paradise Creations. They formulate myriad worlds of creation and act as the administrators of the "Paradise Centers," the exchange- centers which allow levels of consciousness to exist within various categories of "Light" and "'Love."
94 Thus, the Elohim Lords compose the blueprints which are the "supreme programs" for a star system and the hierarchical components serving the Father's House of Many Mansions.
95 In these super-species realms of our Father universe, the Elohim can materialize myriad combinations of thought-forms in experiments of growth, becoming "IIluminators of a Creation" according to the Will of God.
96 The Elohim create the programs that generate and evolve the Adam Kadmon according to a given Plan. They are able to create entire galactic realms directly through the Light radiations of YHWH.
97 Out of their greater power, they guide the ascent of the Adam Kadmon into new Omega programs where the Adam Kadmon can take on any one of the higher embodiments of the Father's Hierarchy, even becoming a "Prince of Light."
98 The Adam Kadmon can, in turn, use divine power to project himself through the 'Eye of Horus,' so that he can inherit the physical worlds of form. Out of the myriad combinations, the Adam Kadmon determines the structure, shape, and number of cell divisions that will be necessary for the work of the Elohim. In projecting a "Light Body form" through the 'Eye of Horus,' a physical form is materialized for the 'heavenly counterpart.
99 However, it is the Hyos Ha Kaidesh who break the barrier of the Infinite. In so doing, they can connect with other Father universes and exalt the fuller work of the Ancient of Days in activities beyond description.
100 They can also manifest themselves in various forms, in whatever way they desire, fulfilling the needs of sentient beings according to the objectives of the Over- self.
101 Thus, the supreme power used by a Lord of the Hyos Ha Koidesh demonstrates that in a fraction of a second he has the potential to attain as many manifestations as there are atoms, in ten times one hundred thousand, one hundred thousand thousand, and one hundred million million of the uncountable realms of YHWH.
102 Each Ascended Master from the Hyos Ha Koidesh, is used in the partnership of the ranks of the Father-Son-Holy Spirit Shekinah Trinity to relate to the post-Supreme ages of the outer levels of "the master universe" which is the Father universe trans-posed into extension. Since this relationship unfolds from futures of the Trinity, the Hierarchy does not know the ultimate results of the 'trinitized relationships" between each Ascended Master and the Father-Holy Spirit Shekinah partnership, as each Master is called upon to be a "Christ Paradise Son '.
103 This mysterious unity of each Ascended Master and Lord with the full glory of the Trinity of Trinities, insures cooperative experiencing of new worlds with even greater "enlightenment" than that of the Lord who has experienced the equivalent of the three bodies of the Buddha, where the Buddha is conscious of Dharmakaya ("everlastingness"), Sam bhogakaya (instruction from the "Sons of Heaven"), and Nirmanakaya (the work that is necessary for the "re- demp tion of mankind").
104 Each Ascended Master from the ranks of the Hyos Ha Koidesh, who has won the Triple Crown of the Father's Love by being a "Christed Lord, King, and Redeemer," will: pioneer the expanding creative frontier as it continues to push outward into the deeper uncharted space; live for the redemption of mankind and all orders of intelligence; and seek to liberate fallen "gods" and "lords" trapped in their own domains of creative thought so that universal creations are possible on the Son-ship level within the open-ended sovereignty of YHWH.
105 Since the external creative power of each Father manifestation of the Ancient of Days is infinite, growth is unending-eternal. Since this growth is unending, it can never be completed save "within the Will of the Father" who establishes Supreme-Ultimate Wisdom in relation to each of His Plans and Programs shared with His Paradise Sons, His Elders of the Throne, and His Deity Shekinah manifestations which are all allowed to com- bine and recombine with Him as an existential Trinity serving the Trinity of Trinities - the Father, the Only Begotten Christ, and Holy Spirit Shekinah in the Father universe.
106 On the highest level of the administration of a Father universe are the Twenty-Four Elders who sit in the presence of YHWH exchanging their commissions and glory periodically with other Ascended Masters. They control twenty-four Thrones and dominions which administer the Law of Central Control through Councils of Light to all universes which recognize
107 The Twenty-Four Elders have the power to convulse a hundred and forty-four systems of godhood, walk over a hundred and forty-four thousand realms of lord- ship, and illuminate a hundred and forty-four thousand world spheres. They can bring myriads of beings into spiritual maturity, live in many eternal expressions, and know how the Cosmic Law is dispensed in each aeon.
108 The Twenty-Four Elders un- fold the glory of the Godhead, as received from the Ancient-Recent- Future of Days in existential Deities, whereby they can exist as "trinities7' of the Trinity of Trinities. Under the direction of YHWH as Father-Creator, they can also appear simultaneously in infinite forms. They give full expression to the quantity of Divine ex- pression whether the Father's Plan includes a billion worlds or is circumscribed to a dimension as a model for His unique expression of a divine program.
109 By combining the intention of the Father's Plan with the extension of the Holy Spirit Shekinah, they can produce myriad universes, undiminished as to meta-material perfection, and precisely sub- infinite as to quantity, size and radiance of the heaven or "master universe of glory" which serves the nature of a Living and Revealing God breathing the Ain Soph eternally!
110 The Twenty-Four Elders behold all seventy-two faces of the Father unfolding into the infinite manifestations of the Father in glorified bodies of Light. Each Elder has the capacity to create multiple civilizations serving one of the manifestations of the Father, as the Father's garment of Light expands as a trinitized form.
Christ Jesus demonstrated how the Elohim, the Hyos Ha Koidesh, and the Twenty-Four Elders, as a divine apotheosis, could be directly involved in the work of trinitization between the Throne of the Father and the worlds of physical form.
112 In this divine apotheosis, Jesus demonstrated how the Christ power of the Throne could be made directly available to every son and daughter of God through petitioning the Father for LIFE and release from the cycle of beginning and end, so that every soul could have life more abundantly in the radiance of the Father.
113 Thus, in the family of God, it is not the distinguishing level of being "of" the Elohim, the Hyos Ha Koidesh, and the Twenty-Four Elders that is important, but the combination of the Trinity that links the Transcendent with the relative, allowing for infinite interplay between the eternal and changeless aspects of the Supreme Deity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit Shekinah.
114 And after I had seen a glimpse of the Hierarchy of this Father universe, the Lord Metatron seized my hand and brought my body out of the Paradise of God's vision and said:
115 "He will cause the righteous to build the house of God and command the inspired to establish the temple of Ezekiel. Man shall be changed from forsaking the Law of the Lord at the trumpet sound in the heavens."
116 Come, let us ascend the sky! And let us all see the realms that attend mankind on this planet during this present program.
117 And, during the next cycle of creation, Man will behold the countless realms that serve the Kiddush Ha-Shem, the sanctification of the Holy Name, from invisible spectrums of Glory to the Future of Days, manifested through holy Sons and Daughters in all Holy Spirit awakenings into the Light.
118 Arise, 0 Son of Man, shed your garment of flesh, for Light has come upon you and the very Glory of YHWH has shone forth! You, too, will stand before the El- ders and the Father's Divine Presence!