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Writer's picturefoly123

Hacking the matrix. A guide that is going to free your mind!

Walk with me:

1-All is mind, the universe is mental

You are body mind and soul, when you are in the mind and body the lower level of consciousness there a lot of things that this mind can't comprehend in other words you are inside the matrix, a system of limited beliefs based on fear inside your brain. What you have to do here is to connect with this transcended dimension of ego consciousness inside you with your soul ,with your consciousness , When you become the observer of your mind then you will be able to think outside the box of limitations and you will be able to find the way out the exodus which is inside you , and the whole mind is gonna transform, as above so below , which bring us to number 2

2-As above so below, as within , so without, as the universe so the soul which means the way out is when the mind becomes the soul when you embody body mind and soul when you move into the 5th dimension Means the way out cannot come from outside, means the way out cannot come from below, The way out is within you, You cannot change the mind through the same level of consciousness which is the mind, you cannot solve a problem through the same level of consciousness that created it. The mind is consciousness, but there is inside you, a transcended dimension of consciousness which is your soul , in order to speed up the opening of this connection you , have to evolve, to follow your heart , to do inner work , to work on all parts of the human mind , to develop the brain to honor the temple you live in . Because the eyes see only what the mind is ready to comprehend Only when we have found our inner balance and have worked through and transcended all of our ego-patterns and “shadows”, our reality and experience will be different. Only when we do not expect an outside event to shift us, but we focus on our inner work, it will. Because the inner drives the outer, not vice versa. So get more in the present moment , learn the art of mindfulness meditation where you become the observer of your mind and you absorb yourself within all your senses and you observe thoughts and emotions without judgement , practice that , until you master to go no thought inside your brain, then it will be easier to connect with this transcended dimension of consciousness and this will hack the matrix and change your lover for ever , it's higher consciousness higher intelligence ,the truth of who you are . And then you will realize this big truth. Which will be your highway outside of the matrix.

No one can see beyond a choice they don’t understand, and I mean no one.

Choices exist as long as we are separated from Source.

The heart always automatically “chooses” the path for the highest outcome to the benefit of you/all.

The heart reads and operates from “real-time zero point data”, which means it is always fully present in the now-moment. It is unconditional in all ways, as it does not relate to duality

and its “cause and effect”.

The ego mind only reads memory/past data/akashic and projects it into past and future, creating conditions based on separation and cause and effect. (If this, then that…)

The illusion of choices (that are not really choices, as no matter which ego-mind made scenario you choose, it will keep you in a loop) drops away, the moment you are able to keep your

heart open at all times.

The fearful, mistrusting ego-mind does not understand the “choices” of the heart (impulses), and tries to prevent and fight against them. It can only relate to things it knows,

has experienced before and projects onto people, situations into the future as possible scenarios.

The ego-mind only comes up, when you are separated (when your heart is closed (again)).

The higher mind on the other hand, trusts, accepts, supports and co-creates with the heart fully, with its ability of bringing through brilliant ideas and inspirations.

With every heart impulse we follow, we open up to the quantum field of magic, of the unknowable, of the unthinkable ways and possibilities. The field in which we read energy through

feeling, not thinking.

We experience immense cognitive dissonances and challenges as long as our heart does not remain open and the ego mind activates again. It then tries to find solutions to protect/survive

for a “choice” made by the heart, in an old way, based on memory.

The more we learn to trust these impulses, the more they are experienced as a permanent deep inner knowing and flow. At some point there is no more “choice” but following those impulses,

no matter how absurd/foolish it may seem to others. Because you know without knowing – this is the way. When we are acting fully aligned with the impulses, we embody oneness, we embody

unconditional love and sharing.

When heart and higher mind co-create permanently, you know an irreversible alchemy has taken place. You are no longer able to not be present in the moment. Memory only comes up when it

serves the impulse and creation in the moment. It has no longer any emotional attachments/control that would keep you with regrets/depression in the past or with anxiety in the future.

3- Nothing rests everything moves, everything vibrates. Alike energies synchronize with alike energies. If you wanna know the secrets of the universe you got to think in terms of energy frequency and vibration. That means 2 different frequencies , cannot occupy the same time and space. If you want to change your reality you have to become the observer of this. The higher you move your body into a higher vibrational state , the more it can become a vibrational match with the transcended dimension of consciousness inside you , which is the way out That means you have to do a lot of inner work a lot of shadow work to clear your memory, your cellular memory from any fear patterns to clear your shadow side your unconscious and put light and love in there. To transform everything through understanding the language of energy and becoming a master alchemist which includes 1) Be grateful 2) Dis identify with your Ego 3) Forgive Yourself and Others 4) Accept, embrace and let go 5) Empower your Inner Child 6) Redirect the Energies and find Joy [When you are a little more used to the emotional breakouts and not as overwhelmed anymore, you can start to redirect these energies and transform them. This can be arts, journaling, supporting others, dancing, sports, …whatever you like to spend your time with. ] 7) Love Yourself and treat Yourself well 8) Appreciate and understand your Body 9) Sound Bathing 10) Keep your Power 11) Sharing 12) Grounding and Rebalancing in Nature 13) Watch Children 14) Don’t try, allow 15) Find Correlations and get to know your System . So stop ignoring the possibility, that there might be a reality outside of our conditioned thinking patterns. That also happens for spiritually very advanced people. Alike energies synchronize with alike energies. What you send out in form of your own vibes will be delivered to you – as you synchronize with the same vibes / energetic wave patterns. That is why you repeat certain situations and lessons until you understand: “I am the one that needs to change, it is not my environment. I create my own reality”.

After having learned all this – we understand that we are transformers of energy. And we do that through our physical body and through our heart center. By experiencing the pain, be it physical, emotional or mental, we are transmuting the energy to a higher level. Feeling like crap is a necessary element of our cleansing and purification. That is what it truly means to transmute darkness into light. And sometimes that means to just lie at home and cry to release or sit in the car and scream all the anger out. The importance is to do it with gratitude and compassion .We can spend a lot of time, energy and money on trying to find the root cause for our pain. That is only our mind wanting to understand. The energy could not care less. It only wants to be transformed

So please recognize your power in your vulnerability and emotions to help all of us to move forward quickly. Our emotions are essential for our own ascension and the planet. Living in 5D permanently only becomes possible when we have rid ourselves from all low frequencies. The higher we reach, the less pain and struggle we experience. That is what “Going with the flow” truly means. To embrace, accept and welcome whatever comes up, no matter which energies are running through us. It is important to not identify with them or interpret them. It is just energy that wants to be transformed

4- Everything is Dual everything has poles everything has it's pair of opposites , polarity, good and evil , love and hate , fear and courage , like and unlike are the same, opposites are identical in nature but different in degree, 2 sides of the same coin, extremes meet , all truths are but half-truths , All paradoxes maybe reconciled the only way out , is in.

Have you ever had a personal experience in your life where you really really loved someone, you were dating , you went really all in with someone in love and you thought they could do you no wrong you thought they couldn't hurt you everything was great you were flying on the clouds. Then you break up and you start to say things like , i hate that person that person really hurts me. What's going on there? Aren't those two different polar opposite emotions? That's because love and hate are the same emotion , only varying in degree 2 sides of the same coin. What's the way out? Unconditional love, Unconditional love is so vastly different from the love we are used to receiving that most of us don’t really know what it is. In fact, most “love” these days isn’t actually true love, but instead differing forms of infatuation, lust, affinity, affection, codependency or egotistical neediness.

(Unconditional love won’t turn you into a doormat, it won’t prevent you from standing up for yourself, setting borders where needed, nor from going to war defending your favorite ideology.

What it will do is gently push you until you see that beyond unconditional love lies the unmanifested which is the deepest experience you can have, when you get there, you are spiritually


The reality is that true love is rare and immensely precious. The moment you experience true unconditional love is the moment you feel completely seen, understood, forgiven, accepted,

and loved just as you are.

This feeling is the most embracing and liberating sensation you will ever experience.

Unconditional love is the only thing in the entire universe that can truly help us to experience the joy, freedom, acceptance, and peace we are so longing for.

Unconditional love doesn’t have to be earned or proven. It is timeless and endless. Unconditional love can only be found within you through this transcended dimension of consciousness , unconditional love will purge the shit out of you until everything that is not longer in authenticity with your true essence higher self get's transformed.

desire and fear, the hack? Soul intention and presence in a pure state of being, connected to everything attached to nothing.

Extremes meet , twin flames , embodying the yin and yang in the physical the 2 polar opposites uniting from within. through this transcended dimension of consciousness.






If you reconcile all. these As long as we are waiting for something outside of us for our salvation, it won’t happen. Only when we do not expect an outside event to shift us, but we focus on our inner work, it will. Because the inner drives the outer, not vice versa.

5-Everything flows , out and in , everything has its tides. All things rise and fall. The pendulum swing manifests in everything . The measure of the swing to the right is the measure of swing to the left. Rhythm compensates. If you don't know what to do do the opposite of what you feel. When you have depression for example, do the opposite of what you feel, what is the opposite? expression.

You search for everything out there finding nothing instead go within.

Instead from living from the outside in ,live from the outside out.

Learn how to see , everything is connected with everything else.

Instead of this flow, there is a higher flow which is the observer of this flow where everything

d all of this can only be experienced by allowing. By finding ourselves in complete detachment. We need to lose and let go of everything that is not authentic about us, which often includes our roots, people, nutrition, work, a certain lifestyle, health, resources etc. The more we resist, the tougher it gets and we are manifesting and creating situations that force us to break. That force us to stop trying and start allowing. Allowing is the ultimate surrender to the universal flow. The moment we realize that this flow wants to work and be expressed through us, and everything that blocks us from there is shown to us. Our own doubts, fears and mistrust are simply reflected back to us. The more we go into alignment with this flow and embody it, the quicker our experience and our reality can shift. And that means to face the fears, face the pain and go right into it. Feeling it for a last time, consciously, with gratitude and compassion, to transmute it. Allowing means also to allow that energy we are experiencing in a moment to be there – without attachment. The ego-mind always wants to add a story/narrative or interpretation to it to make sense of it rationally. The more we learn to not listen to the stories and see it for what it truly is, the easier shifting energies will become. It is just energy that wants to be transformed. No storytelling, no answer to the “Why” necessary. Because once you’ve shifted, you don’t even understand anymore why you were so caught up in it so much in the first place. It will not matter to you anymore. You have changed the pattern, so the past becomes irrelevant. So does the future. All that is, is NOW.

Allowing and surrender does not mean to be in a state of waiting and being passive. It means to feel what the energetic impulse tells you to do. It is about learning the universal language of energy.”

Allowing and surrender does not mean to be in a state of waiting and being passive. That would just be another expression of fear, mistrust and co-dependency. Another form of trying: Trying to just sit this one out and let others prepare and solve it for you. No… allowing means to feel what the energetic impulse tells you to do. It is about learning the universal language of energy. And that can only be felt, not spoken. We learn to feel, when it is time to be active, and when it is time to be passive. When it is time to give, when it is time to receive. We learn to fully balance the masculine and feminine energies within. We start to share unconditionally: Our essence and what is available to us.

Allowing also does not mean to have to do it alone. It just means to not give our power away to others. Unconditional sharing is part of the Oneness we are learning now. And yet, this is a different form, as we find balance between independence and dependence: The healthy way of being interdependent, and co-live and co-create without being attached/co-dependent. So no matter what the experience or issue or situation you are going through. Always reflect: Am I choosing fear or love. Am I mistrusting or trusting. Am I seeing lack or abundance. Am I conditional or unconditional. AM I TRYING OR AM I ALLOWING.

6- Every cause has it's effect. Every effect has it's cause. Everything happens according to law , Chance is but a name for law not recognized . There are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the law.

Ever thought of someone and the next minute they message you , or have you ever thought about someone that you haven't thought for 10 years and the next day you go to the shop to buy shoes and she brings you the shoes to try them out? It happened to me. When you put your intention out there ins the universe with no desire and worrying about how it will happen something magical happen, synchronicity shows up. What happens right there? You happen right there, the truth of who you are the soul the transcended dimension of ego, GOD

Everything is built on rules and conditions, Conditions automatically create separation, expectation and co-dependency – trading and negotiating our worth and the worth of others using each other to reach or change something outside of us. This changes the moment we go inside and we meet with our soul , with source, this transcended dimension of consciousness inside us.

Time is an illusion Everything can be changed. Quantum entanglement , parallel realities linear mind transformed into a multidimensional mind you can literally change everything in this reality by changing yourself. All this is gonna come from within you. The mind-body doesn't know the difference between an experience and a though you can literally change your biology neuro-circuitry , chemistry hormones and genes by simply having an inner event that transcends the limitation of linear time and space and that as a result of quantum entanglement you will change everything in this reality.

7- Gender is in everything , everything has its masculine and feminine principles. Gender manifests on all planes. Everything is energy everything is frequency everything is vibration. Separation ends the war ends , when we end the war and separation inside us ,when we balance the divine masculine and feminine energy inside us .Divine Masculine and divine feminine energy is something we all possess, no matter what gender (or lack thereof) we are. The Divine Masculine is an active force, one that is given to seeking truth, freedom, and self-sovereignty. Unlike the Divine Feminine which is a more passive and receptive force, the Divine Masculine energy has a will to power – it loves action, and it will do everything it can to find spiritual guidance and its true life path !As a force that is responsible for organizing, ruling, fighting, building, and dominating, masculine energy is certainly useful – but only up until a certain point. As an active force, the Divine Masculine is responsible for progress and evolution. the divine feminine is Intuitive , Vulnerable ,Authentic , Creative, Compassionate

Inter-dependent Open-minded , Tenacious, Sensual, Instinctual,

Considerate, Spontaneous , adaptable , will to love

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