Before you continue reading this post, you have to agree that you are the creator of your life. You create your life through your state of being , the way you think and the way you feel and your current level of consciousness. That means you always have the wheel in your life to drive towards the highway of love or towards the path of fear!
How to be happy in negative situations.
Look as long as we are in the 3D matrix consciousness negative situations are gonna be attracted to our life until we get out lessons and ascend to higher level of consciousness and we reprogram our subconscious to stop creating them. You see it's all connected , we are all connected and even if we ascend until the whole humanity ascend negative experiences are gonna keep coming .
What helped me along my journey
1-The first and most powerful way to deal with negativity is to surrender in the present moment, transcend your ego, detach your ego and meditate over the ego's that are involved in that experience, in other words you have to transcend duality and think greater than your environment, your environment is your thoughts your emotions and everything out there people , events , etc etc.
This step requires a lot of inner work ( self -love, inner child work , shadow work)
,learning the art of meditation and having a shift of consciousness which in my life came during the trigger of my spiritual awakening. When you act from this state of presence, the answer you give to the problem is part of the solution because it is coming from a higher level of consciousness , a higher mind than the one created that experience you are currently living!
2-I am struggling with a skin infection called cellulitis these last 2 weeks , and it inspired me to create this post , I was feeling pain and uncomfortable feelings inside my body 24/7
But that didn't affect me , it didn't bring me down , even though it was tough and I was getting challenged my mind was not getting affected. I was feeling pain inside my body , but it couldn't get into the essence of who I am neither to my soul neither to my mind... you see we are soul, mind body...
look when you are in these negative circumstances in your life , health problems relationships problems job problems depression and stuff like that
the 1 key is to become an alchemist, what is the spiritual meaning of alchemist... An alchemist is a being who makes the best out of the worst and never allows the internal condition to getting affected by external events and circumstances... I made a video about this I am gonna leave it here .
There is always an ascension lesson in the dark experience you are living. And it will come again , and again and again until you get it. Pay attention , walk through keep your awareness open. Hold your light while you face the darkness. It's part of learning the truth and ascending.
Don't ever allow any external to you to rob you of your joy , your wellness and your harmony .
3- You have to express in a healthy way how you feel, when the time comes don't hold your emotions , express them, you can cry , scream ,laugh, dance ,
Even if you are in pain, embrace the pain , don't block the pain, the only cure for the pain is in the pain, accept it and get inside it , when you are experiencing pain there is a transformation happening in your body, don't create extra pain and problems with your mind , more than they are really needed , relax stay in the pain flow with the natural transformation stage of your body.
Negativity can only affect you if you are vibing in the same frequency
Don't get pulled into the vortex of negative people or negative situations , everything is energy, rise above and that is gonna really help you to not deal with the negativity.
You gonna meet people in life who they gonna try to bring you down , you gonna meet people in life who will try to steal your happiness and you got to remind yourself to be calm that look this can only affect me if I am resonating with this frequency with this vibration, If I am an energetic match. ||||Two opposing frequencies can't occupy the same time and space |||| Change your frequency... Once you change your energetic vibration ,everything aligns to your same frequency. It's all energy , the universe is a reflection of your internal condition , if you wanna change the outside change your inside.
4- After you express how you feel change your focus. Focus on finding the next best step you can take to fix the situation. Don't use imagination to worry , it's a waste of energy and a visualization of something that self destructs you. Instead use your imagination to find solution and to visualize healing.
Your focus , creates your reality. So If you are dealing with something that is not serving you that is not making you feel really good , focus on people and situations that actually bring some kind of happiness into your life. It's all about where you place your attention.
5- When you are feeling low , you are sick or depressed or whatever. You got to eat the best , you got to help with your nutrition your body to heal , that's one of the most important things you can do when you are feeling low, learn about the healthy foods and then learn thyself how your body reacts to them and pick the ones out of the healthy foods that are healthy for you and you metabolize them good and try to make your body as alkaline as possible , meaning go to vegan as close as you can.
In in sickness, the human body is always acidic
Unless the body’s pH level is slightly alkaline, the body cannot heal itself. You cannot improve your oral or general health until pH levels are above 7.
Acid decreases the body’s ability to repair damaged cells, decreases the ability to get rid of heavy metals and it makes the body more susceptible to fatigue and illness. Everything pivots on a balanced pH . When bodily pH drops, enzymes are deactivated, digestion is interrupted; vital nutrients are not effectively assimilated. Disease cannot survive in an alkaline state; however, in a low oxygen/low pH (acidic) state, viruses, bacteria, yeast, mold, fungus, Candida and Cancer cells all thrive
Just be patient I have realized this is a great way to live... Because we are living in a society where patience has gone out of the window .Sometimes there is someone who is really negative and does everything he can or she can to get inside you and all you wanna do is slap him get out of here , but patience is the key and you have to express how you feel and put your boundaries. Especially if it's a member of your family because you cannot just let them go if it happens to be in the same place / house.
The beauty of being patient is to realize this... life is all about the ebb and the flow.
Be patient everything you desire will manifest for you , once you are in alignment with your true energetic frequency , with your core energetic frequency. Nothing will stop you once you allow with that frequency, because you are no in the frequency of what you came here to do.
Getting in touch with nature and doing cardio there and meditation is gonna help likeeee crazy
6- Nothing blooms all year around , there are seasons and cycles in this life. Everything has rythm. If it's not your time now , it will be in the future, trust the timing of your life.
When you are going through something make sure you always follow your heart because it already knows. When you are going through negative dark experiences walk through them and make sure you get the lessons , you are there so you can get lessons and make connections with other people's as well. If it is not your time now it will be later as long as you follow your heart and you get your lessons. Your life is very seasonal and whatever you are going through you will always see a brighter day.
7-How you respond to a situation literally has the power to change the situation itself
When you react you give away your power . When you take time you have a bird eye view of the experience you are living , over your thoughts over the thoughts of other people involved now your response is gonna be more wise and you gonna get your power back. It's easy to judge, it's hard to think.