I know by writing this, most people's egos will make people to quit reading it and trying to understand it. If you are one of the chosen ones STAY !!! Have faith and believe even if you don't completely get it, come back here later in your journey to visit this post again! This might take years, it took me 31 years in my life .But by reading this now you KNOW HOW and where to focus your attention in life.
As the great Nicola Tesla said, everything is energy, frequency and vibration, if you wanna understand the secrets of the universe you got to think in terms of that.
As long as we are in the linear time and we believe the story they told us since the moment of our birth we can't understand anything of what we live and at the same time we are drifting so so far away from our highest version. We think that our life is happening to us, we label everything that we don't understand as "Luck", when the synchronicities are coming in our experiences we call it "luck" , our doors of awareness are closed, the way we view our reality is through narrow lens, our 3rd eye is closed, we are trapped into the 5 senses, matter trying to change matter (our lowest nature), we don't have any insight and we can't see beyond the predictable future which is a projection of the prison of our past that we create for ourselves through the matrix programming unconsciously .
1- First of all you need to develop your 3rd eye. The third eye is the key, the third eye is the key to get to the 5th dimension. it is the portal which the light gets in, and I am not talking about the photons, from this time dimension, I am talking about the higher frequencies of the quantum field. I made 3 videos in the past that is gonna help you.
2-We have to understand the Language of energy. I made a video about this which I am gonna share below.
3- We have to get in the present moment, in the eternal Now where everything is happening at the same time (past present and future are happening at the same time) and everything connects with everything else. It's all connected ! So you have to move from somebody ,something ,some time (the story they told you since the moment of your birth ,your phone number , what happened yesterday your name on the matrix,) you have to enter in the present moment and become timeless , nothing, no -thing , no-one. How you get there which all the solutions to your life problems exist is gonna take some time. How you speed this up is through meditation , having as high frequency as possible for your current level of consciousness , learning how to do inner work (Learning how to love yourself , learning how to do inner child work h and shadow-work ) and learning how to listen to your heart how to follow your heart impulses is gonna move us into the present moment faster . We have to come to the realization that how other people treat us, is a projection of their consciousness level , their belief systems, how they view their world and what is going on in their lives at that moment. This will help you to maintain your high frequency.
Going deeper we have to become detached from everything and everyone, and from our own thoughts and emotions. So no attachments to our thoughts emotions ,other people and in the material world. I made a video about this that is gonna help you to achieve this faster in your life:
I also made a video that is gonna guide you into the present moment faster :
When you Get in the present moment , there is the NEXUS , you are now more energy than matter when you are there you have access into the quantum field . In the quantum field everything exists (as energy as frequency), as an electromagnetic possibility . What you know with your 5 senses until then can't explain this, this is the unknown. When you get in the present moment you are in the unknown.
In the quantum field where the core of creation exists ( where everything manifests in this time dimension from, the big ideas Tesla , Einstein , Jesus , Buddha ,Hermes , Socrates ....) There exists everything (as energy as frequency ) , as an electromagnetic possibility what manifests that into this time dimension is the observer. The observer is you , your consciousness that uses this brain as a tool of creation . What you can observe equals to your state of being . Your state of being is your consciousness and what you think and what you feel . What you think is the electrical charge you send in the quantum field, what you feel is the magnetic charge you send in the quantum field the way you think and feel is your electromagnetic signature in the quantum field , the higher your frequency the more elevated the emotions ,the higher your power to manifest the unmanifested that exists in the quantum field . So Putting it simply ALL POSSIBILITIES EXIST IN THE QUANTUM FIELD AS ELECTROMAGNETIC POTENTIALS.
In order to be able to be aware of the quantum field the portal is your 3rd eye , your pineal gland must be activated. Your third eye is like a television that changes the signal of the higher frequencies of the quantum field and makes it accessible to enter in this time dimension . The translator of the quantum data in the body is the para-sympathetic nervous system. You can think of that just like the cable in the walls of your house that power up all your devices. When you think a thought (or have a memory), a biochemical reaction begins in your brain causing the brain to release certain chemical signals. That’s how immaterial thoughts literally become matter—they become chemical messengers. These chemical signals make your body feel exactly the way you were just thinking. Once you notice you are feeling a particular way, then you generate more thoughts equal to how you’re feeling, and then you release more chemicals from your brain to make you feel the way you’ve been thinking. This is how the frequencies from the quantum field when they are transformed from the 3rd eye into thought, imagery become matter in your body.
Jesus called this "The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light". 3rd eye is the Portal, your 2 eyes are also important because god consciousness is manifesting itself through all the creation so we need the 2 eyes to see the light as well through the creations of other beings out there (humans, animals, trees ,Gaia)Your intuition is not only in you but in everything through the oneness consciousness ( GOD), so we literally have to become better observers , WE HAVE TO BECOME BETTER OBSERVERS!!! We have to move from judging which is reading energy with thinking through the ego mind (which is flawed)which is stacked in the prison of the past(the matrix) from our lower nature, to our higher nature, which is an activated third eye , which is the maestro of your 5 senses, your whole sensory system in full alertness into the present moment into the eternal now where past present and future are happening at the same time and reading energy through feeling (This is observing without judgement which is the highest intelligence.)
So when you are in the eternal now where past present and future is happening at the same time, the possibility you have to manifest the unmanifested (which exist in the quantum field ) is equal to your creative imagination Through this faculty of creative imagination, the finite mind of man has direct communication with infinite INTELLIGENCE . I repeat the portal is the 3rd eye. Your imaginative faculty may have become weak through inaction. It can be revived and made alert through USE. The higher your frequency, THE CREATIVE FACULTY BECOMES MORE ALERT, MORE RECEPTIVE TO VIBRATIONS FROM THE SOURCES MENTIONED. That's why learning how to love yourself and RISE IN LOVE is one of the most important things when you wake up to your power!
Before You are in a position to manifest the unmanifested . You have to free your mind and body from limitation and fear. The body is the unconscious mind, since the mind was in the matrix ( a system of limited beliefs based on fear) there is a lot of fear based trapped energy in all the cells of your body. So you have as I guided you in the beginning to learn to do shadow work and inner child work. This will be the most challenging part because you have to kill your lower nature, your ego , all the parts that does not resonate with you in your higher version, all the parts has to die, because they will stop you from manifesting the unmanifested you literally have to become NEW (Neo in the matrix movie) in alignment to your soul, embodying the 5th dimensional self in the human avatar. In simple words you have to unlearn everything that you have learned since the moment of your birth, all the crap , that is not in alignment with your higher nature, with your 5th dimensional self (5D state of consciousness), to detach from the matrix. This is what is mainly happening in the dark night of the soul in your spiritual awakening ascension process. You can start doing this from NOW. Start learning thyself start the connection with yourself and start the purging the cleansing learn how the subconscious works learn how your mind works all the information is on my Youtube channel !
When you shine in the light of awareness and you embrace and you put love into your shadow side[all the things that are in you and you don't even know it(doing shadow-work)] , when you clear out the different programs of the matrix like (fear of abandonment , fear of rejection fear of money, money is evil, victim mentality, fear of the unknown ,fear of illnesses ,fear of poverty ,fear of the opinions of others, fear of death, obsession , etc) now you made the 1st big step towards your power !
After you do that, now you have to become greater than your environment. When I am talking about your environment , I mean your state of being ,the way you are thinking and feeling and everyone and everything out there. That means when they judge you when they trigger you when they talk shit to you, when you are at the bank waiting one hour , you have to become bigger than it (energetically as frequency, vibrationally). What your ego wants and loves is to talk shit back to judge back to be right to win the fight, this is WRONG . If you fall in this trap you won't have access in the quantum field , you are not ready, your soul will pull you through cycles through challenges until you manage to stop going unconsciously in your day to day life. You have to become BIGGER than your environment.
Now it is where we dive deeper. Now it is where things are getting more complicated, have an open mind and try to understand the following paragraphs
After you managed to get in the present moment, to become no-one , no-thing , timeless , you learned everything above that might take years a lot of years, you will be more energy than matter . You will have access into the eternal NOW where everything exists at the same time .
In the world of space-time, as we increase or decrease the speed with
which we go from point A to point B, the time it takes to get there changes.
In the world of time-space, as we become aware of an increase or decrease
in the speed of the frequency or vibration of energy, we can go from one
space to another space or from one dimension to another dimension.
When we collapse space, we experience time in the material reality. When we
collapse time, we experience spaces or dimensions in the immaterial reality.
Each of those individual frequencies is carrying information, or a level of
consciousness, that we experience as different realities, as we become aware of
Now you will start manipulating the past present and future in your will (consciousness 5th dimensional self) as following:
You will go back into your past. Instead of looking the past as something that has happened to you (Linear time , separation between past present and future) See it as an opportunity to expand your awareness expand your consciousness and rise your frequency. Now that you are in the present moment in the eternal NOW, you will change the causation that deepen your being back then (by finding the lesson through your higher consciousness level that you are now this might include healing shining in the light of awareness reparenting the inner child communicating and sending frequencies as thoughts to that version of yourself etc. etc ) and you will give birth to higher version of you that is gonna instantly exist in that future timeline possibility that it's high is equal to the depth that , that experience caused in your being. Your future self that is existing in that timeline, is now GONNA SEND YOU a Synchronicity into the present moment ( a frequency a message through your third eye.) The synchronicity in the outer world is gonna manifest itself at the time you receive the frequency-message -thought through your 3rd eye and through your parasympathetic nervous system . ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS TO BE SUPER AWARE IN the present moment to get it. Now you are thinking Outside the box of your current environment , now you ARE BIGGER than your current environment. Now you are rising in frequency consciousness awareness and the ability of the mind to change matter. (When we collapse space, we experience time in the material reality. When we collapse time, we experience spaces or dimensions in the immaterial reality. Each of those individual frequencies is carrying information, or a level of consciousness, that we experience as different realities, as we become aware of them. )
Then you are gonna go back to all the memories that you had elevated emotions, you gonna tap into those memories, and you gonna gather them all you gonna combine them all (when you were super in love with your life, when you were feeling super worthy where you were feeling joy, freedom, gratitude ,when you were in awe with life ) and you gonna begin to recreate them all together in the present moment so you can remind yourself of those emotions, so you can open new neuro circuits in your brain so the access to those will be easier for later.
When you start mastering playing with timelines, each experience is gonna change your brain it's gonna move it out of the linear time your whole brain is gonna get hardware upgrades according to the experiences you live. Because the inner experiences that you experience in the higher realms , not only they change you , but they change you much more and much faster than everything you gonna experience out there with your 5 senses as matter trying to change matter.
As long as you are in the matrix programming when something happens in the present moment the body is living on the past
that's why the future is always predictable
When you enter in the present moment everything will be unknown . You must be comfortable to be in the unknown .
When you enter in the present moment you can be at the past future and present at the same time (through your 5th dimensional self through your consciousness)
After you wake up to the magic of your soul, to the magic of your life to a much much more wider and free reality
Now you learned how to use the mind to manipulate the energy to eventually change the matter according to the will of your soul your 5th dimensional self. This will start from within first (healing your body getting detached from the matrix changing your genes expression changing you DNA structure, activating parts of your body that were sleeping , becoming superhuman) and then those changes will reflect in the outer environment. You will be between the 2 worlds , the old creation an the new creation, that's why you need to be detached and super aware in the present moment so nothing can bypass you awareness without getting checked.
When you are there NOW you will use your creative imagination your 3rd eye (6th sense). Before we get there I am gonna remind you of some Important parts to avoid the traps of your past )
What you think is the electrical charge, what you feel is the magnetic charge . Your state of being , your thoughts and what you feel is the electromagnetic signature that you send in the quantum field. Which means what you live is not fixed
It constantly changing based on your state of being.
-When the frequencies are super low(fear, anger, jealousy, guilt, judgement , grief , apathy, ego desires ,shame) (matrix, your life in survival) there is a huge buffer of time .Because the frequencies of creation are slow and the manifestation is super slow everything is dense the energies are dense . So what you manifest from the quantum field, not only is coming super slowly(huge buffer of time) but at the same time it is not working for you, it is working against all humanity and existence and at the same time you are programmed to judge and fight back through the ego what you created . This is putting in a prison of your lower nature. You might manifest one of your ego desires, but you will be the survivor you will struggle you will be in stress in depression in hating yourself it will take a lot of energy and it will take a lot of time and the creation is gonna be flawed. It is gonna make you happy for a moment and then you will want more.
-When the frequencies are high the manifestations are super fast, sometimes they happen instantly and you are now manifesting through the 5thdimensional self which just knows what's best for you and for the whole universe.
I am pointing this out so you can be aware when you are between the 2 worlds to not fall in the trap of judging and have the patience to believe in yourself and in what you are experiencing. You are not going crazy, you are waking up from the deep sleep.
1- You don't react to your creation
When someone is coming to tilt you to trigger you, get out of your identity and connect with your presence with your consciousness. The answer is gonna come from this position.
2- Remove judgement
Don't judge anyone anything ,not even your own creation. What you live in the present moment on the material world you created it. You co-created it with the universe based on your state of being. Observe it without judgment !
3-Understand the buffer of time to acknowledge where your creation is happening from.
4- Be highly aware and alert in the present moment !
Now you are gonna use your creative imagination.
You gonna begin to imagine a future timeline in alignment with your higher self desires, not your ego consciousness , you have to learn to listen to your higher self, through your intuition by reading energy through feeling . You 5th dimensional self, your soul your higher self just knows, You know there.
So you begin to imagine what you want from the inside for example (Being on your purpose , getting this amount of money, working from everything having crazy health benefits.) Your thoughts are the electrical charge, put as much detail as possible, for example having 888.888 per year . Whatever you want the possibilities are equal to your imagination. Maybe heal from a disease , overcoming cancer whatever you build the imagery. And then you need the highest elevated emotions that you can create. You go there you live in there , YOU ARE HERE in the now BUT YOU LIVE THERE in your imagination . But you LIVE THERE YOU DON'T VISUALISE . YOU NEED TO BE IT! So you need the magnetic charge, the emotions. You now remember the elevated emotions from your past as I taught you before. You will go in that experience and you will imagine how you would feel if you were there. After you create the feelings(elevated emotions, gratitude , awe , unlimited , empowered , immortal, infinite, unconditional love, in joy with your, life in love ,excitement) NOW YOU GONNA LIVE THERE WITH THOSE FEELINGS WITH YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS. In the beginning it's gonna be hard you will need to meditate, to close your eyes to put a lot of effort to focus on being in your imaginative creation. To be in that Electromagnetic potential of the quantum field that you give it FORM in this time dimension as the observer. Then you can do it while you walk while you cycling while you running while you wait in the bank for an hour, you live there. The body now begins to change to become that person in your creative imagination from the inside. Your thoughts are SUPER POWERFUL HIGHER THOUGHTS COMING FROM THE QUANTUM FIELD ARE EVEN MORE . You don't wait for an outside event to change you, you are out of the prison of the matrix. NOW YOU ARE BIGGER THAN YOUR ENVIRONMENT. YOU HAVE TO LIVE THERE AS IT IS HAPPENING IN NOW YOU HAVE TO BE IT!!!
PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE ARE HAPPENING AT THE SAME TIME . That's why shadow work is A MUST, removing all fears and limitations is A MUST before you wake up to your power. Because you can't do that as long as you are in linear time and full of limitations and fear .
This world out there is an illusion, time is an illusion when observed through the 5 senses.
The real world is within.
In simple terms :
By becoming aware of these unconscious behaviors and programs, however,
you can work to actively broadcast a new electromagnetic signature that is in
line with your future—and the more you broadcast that electromagnetic
signature into the field, the sooner you will become it, and it will become you.
When there’s a vibrational match between your energy and that future potential
that already exists in the quantum field, that future event is going to find you—
or better yet, your body will be drawn to a new reality. You will become a
magnet to a new destiny, which will manifest as an unknown, new experience.
For a moment, think of your future reality as if it already exists, vibrating as
unmaterialized energy in the quantum field. Imagine your future as the vibration
coming from a tuning fork that has just been struck. The sound it emits is a
vibration traveling on a certain frequency. If you also exist as a tuning fork, as
you change your energy to resonate within the same harmonic of that quantum
possibility of your future, you connect with, and align to, that frequency. The
longer you can maintain and tune your energy in to that frequency, the more you
vibrate at the same harmonic of energy. Now you’re connected to that future
reality because you’re operating at the same frequency or vibration. The closer
frequencies come together in space and time, the more they influence each other
until they entrain to one frequency. That’s the moment when your future finds