In order to realize how to change our reality we have to realize that everything is energy ! As the great Nicola Tesla said , you have to think in terms of energy frequency and vibration.
Ok so the real currency of this reality is your ATP, molecules that represent units of energy,
ATP is the fuel of our biological processes , so to stay alive we have to have all this ATP so there is an ATP account in your body right now. But the question is how you use that ATP.
25% of the total energy in your whole body is used to operate your brain , THAT'S A LOT. So all of a sudden you start to realize that the brain uses energy at the rate of muscles of a marathon runner .
This is so important because as you are using your brain as you are using your thinking you are actually using energy
This is super important because the way we are using our thoughts are not productive
We create a reality that we try to survive and escape
Our subconscious mind runs 95 % of our lives in auto pilot and it is programmable. Most of our thoughts during the day are coming through that subconscious programming of the mind. The subconscious programs are called beliefs.
So it's really important to become conscious and aware of what is our subconscious programming .
In order for us to shift and change our reality we have to go in and reprogram our subconscious mind
1- So first of all let's share 3 ways of how to notice what your subconscious program is right now.
As within so without. Your state of being (Your current consciousness level (The way you think and feel)) creates your reality and the material world out there is nothing more than a reflection of that state of being.
1- Look around in your life, whatever it is you are manifesting in your world it is exactly what your subconscious programming is, so you can look in different areas of your life. Take a look in your health and fitness . For example I look in patterns what am I experiencing over and over again and if I see a pattern I know that is a subconscious belief. We can go to Career/money area and I can say am I happy this year or am I not happy , what am I experiencing and whatever I am experiencing is exactly the programming that I have and often times until we become consciously aware of what is happening in our life we are just running in the subconscious programming we were given by the matrix since our early childhood. And this is why for many of us we end up experiencing the same thing that our parents did that our ancestors did because if we do not consciously shift and change and become aware of these programs then we perpetuate them. So look at your life, your life is not going to LIE! The things that you are manifesting right now , the physical manifestations of your life right now are a result of what is going on with your subconscious programming .
2- Look at your dreams. Dreams are taking place in the 4th dimension. What I realized along my journey, and by getting in touch with a lot of special people is that it doesn't matter if you are awake or dreaming in sleep your thoughts still create the reality you are gonna experience in the 3D world. So when you are having dreams and then you experience exactly what you dreamed in your reality become aware of your power as a creator and start using this gift so you can create your reality in the 3D world.
What I do most of my time these days is a let the unconscious play itself at the dream so I can heal my shadow and remove the "garbage" from my mind.
If you are experiencing re-occurring dreams pay attention , right them down, every dream you remember is a message that you need to acknowledge , keep a dream journal !!!!
Dreams might be abstract and confusing because we are jumping from one scene to another or might be a little bit hard to interpret but the idea of looking to our dreams comes down to how we feel about them.
So how to interpret a dream!
1-The main language of the subconscious mind on dreams is the imagery!
2- You have to learn how to get in the present moment ! In the present moment past present and future are happening at the same time in the eternal NOW and everything connects with everything else, your dreams ,your 3D reality, past lives, future lives... IT'S ALL CONNECTED! You can get in the present moment by practicing meditation . You have to realize that wherever you pay attention you give your energy away. So if you take all your attention from matter, all the attention from your body, all the attention from your thoughts and emotions, and all the attentions from time(you don't care what happened yesterday, what will happen tomorrow , you are not the story they told you, the lies they told you), you become pure consciousness, pure awareness, that's the moment you are no-one , nothing , no-time , that's the moment you are in the PRESENT MOMENT!
So when you get in the present moment, now you are gonna remind yourself of the emotional state and thinking state you had in the dream. Then you are gonna become aware of the imagery your subconscious mind was creating in the dream, and then you will try to see all the connections in time (past present and future)So you can become aware of the message.
This requires a lot of awareness and having the ability to transcend time( the more you work on it the more your awareness expands) Dreams are happening at the 4D so you have to have a shift in consciousness to interpret them, so step by step you are gonna get there!
If you are having dreams of fear know that , that is happening in your subconscious programming and if you don't work on them know that you will begin to manifest something on the physical world that represent that dream! So always see your dreams are a great indication of what's to come!
3-Look at what you say in your conversation with others, become more aware of the conversation with others. Do you notice patterns? Do you find yourself saying the same things over and over again?
It might be "it's so hard to make money", " I can't believe I did this" , " I am so angry with them" , "I am so obsessed with them". Whenever we have that chronic negative talk or that complaining we often do that is our subconscious programming. Everything that we are complaining about is chronically happening in our lives and the more we complain the more we reinforce this manifestation!
The more that we think about it and talk about it and speak those words out of our mind in other people we keep that experience !
2- Secondly, the end product of the experience is an emotion. The body doesn't recognize a difference between an emotion you are getting from your outer 3D world experience or the one you are creating from a thought alone. So if we learn how to self regulate , by using our creative imagination and tapping into the present moment into the infinite possibilities in the quantum field that exist as electromagnetic potentials we can create the emotion ahead of the experience , we can cause the effect. That's how we should create reality but everything is reversed in this matrix we live!
We can learn how to do that by developing our third eye and through meditations!
Meditation is necessary to change your subconscious programming!
So if you start your day like this your whole life will CHANGE FOREVER!
1 IN gratitude ,in gratitude as soon as we wake up we have a choice to complain about life, or say thank you I just woke up, some people didn't even manage to wake up today I have all
my arms and legs and feet I am moving so be thankful because you are much more blessed than you think. And ever since I Say thank you because it feels good.
-2 In love, tell a family member tell a friend tell them how much you care, when you express your appreciation about someone ,you start feeling better about yourself as well , many times we
start our day by putting someone down okay? we start our day with a massive argument but when you start your day with lifting people up automatically your vibration and your frequency
-3 In Peace, have you ever just woken up and someone ,really going against you, going up to you they wanna argue with you they wanna criticize you, we don't need that is way too early for that
what I do is to go exercise to go for a walk in nature I stay away from drama because the first thing you do really set the tone for the rest of the day. When you exercise the first thing
in the day especially in nature, you become way more productive in the rest of your day, your energy levels and your mood increases and you have a much more valuable day
4- In reflection meditation, learning the art of mindfulness meditation the art of absorbing yourself 100% in the present moment you can actually face yourself and see yourself for the first
time, it does wonders.... you see so many of us as soon us we wake up we have outer experiences, for me its all about having INNER EXPERIENCES..."how can you evolve to be your best
version" "how have I treated people this week" have I been mean? have I been kind? am I working too much? do I need to spend more time on nature ? I like to do that when I am exercising
out in the nature, multitasking genius I love to combine things
5-In Health....eating to live ,if you are eating beautiful foods the first thing in the morning if you are having a nice breakfast full of high quality foods ,automatically you feel
more confident you are have more energy you are feeling much more better, so you are feeling so strong that you are ready to rock and roll out there!
6-In excitement for me the reason why a lot of us.... and I have been there....sometimes we stay in bed we lack motivation enthusiasm we feel exasperated is because we don't have a direction
in life .Every single day I make sure I got a direction I know where I am going and to do that you got to know your purpose and that's actually gets the day for a good start...know
what you came here to do on planet earth and actually start living it. Quit a job that is no longer serving you and start actually doing something that you love and you will see that
you will be waking up with more excitement
7-In alignment ,I realized this, when I am out of alignment the day is not gonna go really well. for me to start your day well you have to be in your most true authentic state, yoga can
help ,singing can help, go for a hiking can help, going for a walk can help getting into the truth of who you are
8-In silence letting go of the mental disturbances, its all about not overthinking, letting go of what we cannot control, learning to surrender to the universe when you stop hating and
arguing with yourself for something you are not and instead you become praising yourself for the things you are ,you become more silent, when you realize I don't control anything
when you realize I am gonna let go and trust the universe, no arguments no drama no gossip, just silence
9-In intention, Every single day have a clear intention on what you wanna accomplish in the day, usually its sharing awakening posts on Insta fb/usually is training my body in nature,
usually is creating a video on Youtube , usually is streaming on twitch setting your intention is super powerful. A lot of us cant set our intention because we don't know our true purpose
so start really knowing what your heart is beating for so you know your purpose so you have a clear vision of what you wanna manifest today.
10-In action, Radical action getting it done, that means no hesitation no doubting yourself the more you do it the better you become at it. I don't start my day thinking "can I do that?"
"what happens if it wont work out? "I start my day knowing it
11-In trust, many of us we don't trust ourselves because we don't know ourselves ,I trust myself ,I trust the universe that everything will come to me in the right time ,I trust the universe
that it will continue to send amazing people my way, I trust myself that many years ago Wea you made the right decision ,I am trusting the universe to take care of the future...
I trust that the universe will send people to my life that will push me to evolve to the next level!
12-In Sun, Embrace the sun get that vitamin D recharge yourself, i always feel better around the sun....more lively, more energetic more optimistic
13-In freedom, free your mind from all the programming from all the limiting beliefs free your mind from the matrix, free your mind from feeling you are a victim, free your mind from I cant
to I can. Nothing can stop you don't let anyone control you you came here to be free
14-In contentment, No comparison on the Instagram Facebook with the lives of others, everything you need is inside you !!!!!!I don't say I want because the more I say I want
the more you are acting in a state of lack, say I have ,be content with whatever you have, you don't need much to be happy....happiness is an inside job Don't be too hard to yourself
that you are not already there where you wanna be, be happy in the present moment because all the potential lies there and the possibilities are limitless
15-In purpose... the moment I followed my purpose I became wealthy ,I realized I create happiness. There was a time where I truly didn't know what I was here to do, I didn't want to wake up
but I followed my heart and now every day is exciting.