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Out with the old, in with the new the evolution of the human beings

Writer's picture: foly123foly123

Updated: Jun 24, 2022

We live in a pivotal moment in the evolution of the human being history

We are in between 2 worlds. There is a huge timeline split happening.

2 main realities are forged.

  1. The 3D ego matrix consciousness reality where the paradigm of survival is coming to an end , where the human beings are trapped into the matter into their body into their lower nature with their chakras and their electromagnetic energy blocked, matter trying to change matter. This reality is crashing. The illusion of separation is crashing ! In order for the new to come , the old has to die ,this is far more than comfortable. A collective death is gonna strip away of all that it is not you until you find the secret of life, YOU! It's gonna come with waves, suffering pain and challenges are necessary for the ego death, each layer will be delivered with massive challenges. People that are on the other side of the journey will stand as lighthouses for the humanity to ascend .

  2. The 5D reality where the human beings merge with the god consciousness that observes and gives order to everything in this reality. The quantum field the infinite higher intelligence the energy that connect us all. This begins from within, as you merge with your own soul as you get in the present moment (eternal NOW where past present and future are happening at the same time ). As within so without. When the unity takes place inside us during our spiritual awakening ascension process the separation ends. When the reconnection happens our true essence and magic starts unfolding. We are moving beyond man we transcend this reality. A human in 5th dimension is a new specie which transcended the survival of fight flight freeze. Does not know fear of consequences: End of duality polarity , End of wavelength. An unconditional being living in the NOW thriving from the essence. A 5th dimensional being feels home inside and reflects a whole new world outside. They are anomalies living in a life beyond duality. The New human genius re-established the connection between the heart and the mind .The higher mind trusts, accepts, supports and co-creates with the heart fully, with its ability of bringing the unthinkable the unimaginable through the 3rd eye which is the portal by tapping into the infinite intelligence of the quantum field by merging with the god consciousness and being an open record of the Akashic records. Instead of separation there is unity and magic unfolding through your soul through your consciousness through your inner force as you are an extension of the god consciousness that manifests itself in this time dimension. In the 5th dimension the human being wakes up to it's power, the energetic field is getting empowered open up all the trapped energy gets freed , there is a flow of elevated emotions and super high vibrations inside . The human being becomes a better observer and realizes the power of his/her thoughts in changing matter. The higher the frequency the higher the consciousness, the higher the consciousness the higher the awareness the higher the awareness the more of this reality you can perceive and the more power your mind has to change matter. This is the new paradigm of oneness where there is no ego only unconditional love and human genius beings that have melted with the god consciousness. Many call it the paradise on earth! AND THAT IS TRUE !!



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