In this post you will find all subconscious programs of the matrix that are based on fear and limitation. I explain in depth how they work , how they create thoughts on your mind and emotions on your body. This knowledge will not help you heal! You cannot solve the problem from the same level of consciousness that created! What it will do thought it will help you to realize how you create your own pain and disease so it will be easier to detach your consciousness ( your true self) from that subconscious programming! Only by experiencing the awareness(your consciousness) of the awareness (your mind) you can begin the healing process. I describe in depth in almost all my videos how to connect with the new level of consciousness inside you (5D). This information will expand your awareness because you will be able to understand how the matrix mind creates thoughts and emotions. That means you will understand the creation of everyone around you that is on the 3D ego matrix consciousness including yourself.
When I was in the ascension journey I realized all these subconscious programs by being on the right place in the right moment with the help of divine consciousness.
The root cause of heartbreak
Victim mentality ( The prison of karma that keeps you in an endless loop of unconscious activity which is the karma) This must be healed first in order to begin to transmute your fears and karma in order to ascend to the 5th dimension.
Fear of the unknown is a matrix program that will stop you from entering the present moment , the eternal now where past present and future are happening at the same time and everything connects to everything else (where you realize time is an illusion).
Fear of illness . How your own mind is killing you because it is not yours
Fear of rejection, a symptom of fear of abandonment
Fear of heights/falling, a heavy energy that you need to get rid of , if you experience it
Sexual repression is another form of fear that needs a very high level of awareness to become aware of. This information will be key to your freedom
The truth about money. SUPER SOS!
Fear of the opinion of others ( The root cause is fear of abandonment and the separation from your consciousness [SOUL]
How to conquer anger
How to stop the automatic unconscious creation of stress which is a byproduct of all of the above( THIS IS OF PRIME IMPORTANCE, stress will literally kill you in no time)
This has also very important information